Friday, September 27, 2019

reflection with affection

Life's song can rise and fall in tone
Encode the call we each alone
can hear and dance with
through fear, romance, death,
learning to repair, to own the tune we play
expand and jam throughout each day
maiden to crone
Creating symphony, notated memory
of how we've grown
I am certain they will,
your words, that thrill with wisdom
walked over miles, trials, persistence
ever to seek to smile, to learn, to find stillness
for an instant, then travel on
I am certain they will inspire, give assistance to
we who see and desire to come along.
Heated exchange over who said what,
and what was meant,
useless distraction from the real event --
discerning mutual solutions.
Figure out what you value
beyond compromise.
Concede the rest.
Every thing has its stories, its
contexts, its narratives.
Every thing within our universe of
meaning exists, connects, affects.
Never given information needed to
deal with my life,
I’ve figured out on my own, and so often
have been wrong.
And you ?
What have you been taught, believed,
found through experience,
to work for you?
When we feel we are failures
because reality denies our expectations,
we human beings need people
who won’t quit us, give
safe space to grieve,
rethink, emerge
who give sounding board, kind
critique or calm containment,
encouragement, balm and elixir,
surrounding atmosphere of abiding love.


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