Saturday, June 15, 2019

looking down

Studying humans
as foreign civilizations
How do we work?
What kinds of expressions inspire collegiality?
How create space in which we thrive?
Prohibition doesn’t work,
and creates unintended consequences
often worse than what was banned.
Sensible harm-reduction based regulation
on which all stakeholders have opportunities
to participate
is a better conversation.
We must all
respect each other
as free and equal
or we are all in danger
of enslavement.
A Mr. Potter of Potterville
sneering smile of smug right to destroy
any who dare to defy his
all mighty power.
What are we taught that we
need to find objects
for violence?
Sneering, laughing, jeering
distancing from those who care
Whistling, swaggering
as if anyone believes,
could believe,
you have anything to offer
but ignorance,
models of what we must
advance against.


Posted by: "Laurie"


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