Friday, June 14, 2024

enjoy the surreal


Certainly there are stupid people

mouthing off on the left.

There is no shortage of stupidity

to distribute.  However, unless you

are amazingly ignorant, you must

see that the"Right" has a much greater

repetoire of mouthing off idiots.

A solitary executive, even with the

distribution of powers to Legislature

and Judiciary, even with Cabinet and

advisors, burdens too much power, work,

responsibility, temptation to one imperfect person,

a need for too much expertise too diluted.

Wouldn't it make more sense to divide into

Head of State to face the World,  Head of

Homeland to manage domestic affairs,

Chief of Technology and Infrastructure, to

keep the system operating well -- each with

advisors, staff, departments, specified duties.

What do you serve

or would you serve

if you could?

Hedge fund creep -- quietly taking over

the organization and distribution of all

major human interests and necessities.

Moving into a commercial world where

quality of outcome loses importance while

quantity of income rules.

No wonder people have less fear of

authoritarianism since most of our lives

have been ceded to those finance-based


Don't sweat it -- it's only

post-reality.  Learn to enjoy the surreal

You feel "left behind"?

Go forward.  Take the lead.

Trump apparently casts a glamor spell

to make this weak, whiney child be seen

by some easily swayed as a strong man.


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