Friday, June 28, 2024

Homo moronic?


Awhile back I opened a substack account, thinking I would figure out something to post.
Recently, I had an inspiration to collect my favorites of my writing, over these many years.
It occurred to me to post these on my substack
Who knows, maybe I might eve get some feedback.

I get that there are people who are
prevented from voting, or for whom
it is made too difficult.  That makes 
it more imperative that those of us
without those burdens perform our
basic civic duty.

Why can't we just let people be?
What makes us feel we need to
interfere in personal integrity, to
make our narrow path beliefs
outweigh outpouring of expression
by each precious human life?

It's not about differences in beliefs,
It's that the core feature of these
people is being mean.

Why come down on our young
for device -- social media --
dependency?  From whom have they
learned that this is how we human,
and then been left (no matter how
over-scheduled) on their own?

Perhaps our underlying problem
is the seeping out of human intelligence
-- we are becoming less Home sapien,
more Homo moronic.

We pretty much all have our thing(s),
issues, inadequacies.  We are not
special for being bullied, cruelly treated,
unappreciated, ignored.
So, tell your story, embellished or stark,
transparent through dark, to take its
place among the multitude.
Yet without expectation of rising above
the rest.


Friday, June 21, 2024

steam of Summer rain

People fleeing unlivable situations
need places where they can legitimately

Could this over the world wholesale 
violence have been influenced by
an Earth acting in self-defense?
All the angry outrage willing to kill
refugees, take the limited land and
sea's bounty for whichever group, tribe,
family, Strong Men survives for that

That's what artists do --
we turn our pain into beauty

That long felt taste,
redolent perfume of
heat-baked pavement and
  blooming gardens
Old road songs and wistful
Vast  summer adventures when
the days seemed forever
Nights cloying with impulsive
outpourings, melting into
steam of Summer rain.


Friday, June 14, 2024

enjoy the surreal


Certainly there are stupid people

mouthing off on the left.

There is no shortage of stupidity

to distribute.  However, unless you

are amazingly ignorant, you must

see that the"Right" has a much greater

repetoire of mouthing off idiots.

A solitary executive, even with the

distribution of powers to Legislature

and Judiciary, even with Cabinet and

advisors, burdens too much power, work,

responsibility, temptation to one imperfect person,

a need for too much expertise too diluted.

Wouldn't it make more sense to divide into

Head of State to face the World,  Head of

Homeland to manage domestic affairs,

Chief of Technology and Infrastructure, to

keep the system operating well -- each with

advisors, staff, departments, specified duties.

What do you serve

or would you serve

if you could?

Hedge fund creep -- quietly taking over

the organization and distribution of all

major human interests and necessities.

Moving into a commercial world where

quality of outcome loses importance while

quantity of income rules.

No wonder people have less fear of

authoritarianism since most of our lives

have been ceded to those finance-based


Don't sweat it -- it's only

post-reality.  Learn to enjoy the surreal

You feel "left behind"?

Go forward.  Take the lead.

Trump apparently casts a glamor spell

to make this weak, whiney child be seen

by some easily swayed as a strong man.


Friday, June 7, 2024

mass psychosis


of course that fact that Biden is severely restricted in what he can do about Israel due to the Republican Congress doesn't enter into vote choice calculations because Americans are too ignorant of how our government is set up to operate

I've been thinking for awhile that the capitalist sanctioned destruction of our planet is leading to mass psychosis thus that people can't feel that much matters anymore and just want to go out in a mindless frenzy of consumption and violence

Competition is the heart and soul

of a vibrant market, creating the

innovation capitalism is lauded for.

We are all, together, humankind --

each our own expression.

Elected leader can only be as good as

the majority of voters will allow.

God is Nonbinary

I get it.  By the rules under which

you were raised, if you make it

financially you may do whatever 

you please.

So, of course, financial success 

out values anything else -- since

that is the only means to freedom

(if that is what you call it)

For those with no morals, happily

acting for self gain, the way can be

simple, straightforward (despite the lies)

For those acting from moral ideals, to

make better ways for the greater good,

those we would do better to believe

and join -- too often get overwhelmed

with every petty less than perfection.

People demand so much more from

the good than from those whose only

motive is their own power tocontrol

and pillage.

We grow absorbing expections of how

we proceed.

Who would we be if influenced


Not static memory

A quick being in that sight, smell,


Nausea builds to evict horrific

poison from my psyche home.

Yes, we get frustrated with government.

It seems to us that these people with

power should easily provide what we


Almighty POTUS should wave His

hand and make all right, all prosper,

all enemies put down.

But those are not the powers we bestow

to our POTUS, "balanced" by Congress's

arrogant privileges to restrain, loudly

complain, appropriate required funds

for their will to be done.

Now, understand,  power mad

tyrants ignore these laws, rules, procedures,

power shared restraint.

Such self-anointed gods do as they choose,

destroy those who oppose.

Yes! some may think:  someone who'll

get things done, show superior strength,

destroy any who don't fit our form of


But do you bother to realize what your

role will be -- part of that miniscule elite?

No, fodder to defeat threats to our

honored Chief with your petty little lives.

Men raised to be soldiers, to kill and die.

Women to raise soldiers and their whores.

Children for our top down system to

exploit.  Until that lovely Nazi fantasy gets

less satisfying, so how about we blast it

all into oblivion, Armageddon, in Tribute

to our grand Omnipotent.
