Friday, September 16, 2022

what we value



my heart expands when someone

professes to like me or my work –

I think this is probably a common response




we become better people by facing fear

and embracing kindness (not saying I have)



Jingly, jangly – can’t call it energy because

It’s draining and scattering; shaking, imprecise.

Kind of like anxiety, but more of faulty wiring.



So, we’re pathetically stupid and deserve to die,

those of us who have the luxury of suicidal


While so vast a population have no real choice,

their decisions to manage their lives overruled

by privileged fools.



Primary value – a healthy Earth

Without which we have no where to stand,

no place or way to be.

Once our responsibility to our planet is

clear, we may value personal integrity,

each individual’s fundamental right to be

who we decide we are, without undue

restraint or coercion.






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