Friday, September 30, 2022




"All lives matter" is at best aspirational.

In truth, very few lives matter to most of us.




We could, even now, work together,

figure out how to survive,

even thrive, overcome what we have

wrought from denial and some desire

to divide and fight,

destroy resources out of spite.

Why would such abysmal jerks

deserve the joys life might allow?



Life isn't what we think.

All these trappings of culture, society

mask the real.



We see it all fall apart before us

like some 3D documentary of

Homo Sapien collapse.



How is it that cruelness prevails,

that meanness means popularity,

that babies are exhorted to quell

emotion before they know their own


Who tells us how to see each other,

how to be?



I think we can agree that sexuality

is not binary.

Do we have to get to the coming

technology that will make reproduction

nonbinary before we get beyond this

particular accident of birth, chromosomal

sex, no longer defines human lives?




there are always those who seek power

for their own ends

if we don't have a government that we

make work for us, they will




to turn the economy into one that works t

o create and distribute the goods/services wanted

by the people, the wealthy should be well taxed,

to the point where it matters to them to get tax

cuts for funding certain public services as part

of the code, while having low to no taxes for the

workers and poor who get subsidies as needed

paid for by the tax revenues from the wealthy;

meanwhile we need to encourage businesses

that provide what we want so there is ample

competition to keep prices down and quality up

[the magic hand of the market is competition,

not capital]

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