Friday, May 27, 2022

nondual twins


People with real lives are too busy
living to bother with clamoring
against or for celebrities, or engage
in political hate.
Perhaps our real chance to prevail
over the ambient insanity is to
encourage and inspire real lives.
I don't want politics in our most intimate
areas of life, which, if we had any belief
in individual liberty or even the value of
individual lives we would understand.
In a sane world, everyone would be taken care of,
that would be the center of the system, along with
respect for everyone's individuality and self-expression.
from an outside ("Martian"?) perspective we are all
animals of a species.  To us we are each unique. 
We each have our own experiences, perspectives,
abilities, disabilities, interests, etc.  These make
our human world complex, exciting, inspiring,
worth our time.
Wouldn’t we be better to not inflict gender
until it matters, until puberty, when we have
enough experience of ourselves to figure
out what gender means to us?
which Democrats we elect matters -- vote in
your state's primaries and get active locally
to know who does what and what needs to
be done to get quality candidates
I am so very sorry, but 3rd Party candidates
VERRRRRY rarely win (except in very local elections)
instead of spending so much time sniping
and wailing, spend it doing real research
into who these people have been and are;
and better, help to encourage and promote
good candidates with a track record
we need local alternatives to big food,
to big most everything -- we need to take
back our commodities in sensible business
models that work well for everyone
If you burn down the structures on
which our social system exists, rather
than rationally renovating, making
useful change, there would be
nothing on which to create the system
we deserve and desire.
One might think if you believe we all
have a right to life, you would do
better about lethal weapon control.
It’s all too much, too overwhelming.
Break it down to problems you can
manage   OR   find problem[s] you
can solve to exercise those abilities.
You gave your joy away
Left with nothing but the pain
their sadness cut so deeply
you must respond, pour into
cloying need.
Can’t afford needed services?
Tax the rich (that’s where the money is)
End corporate welfare
Stop fossil fuel subsidies
and ...? (continue the list of donors)

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