Friday, May 20, 2022

fade of Taurus


if you don't want to be replaced, do better
in an actual capitalist system the
goods go to the better
the most sacred, intimate areas of human
life ought be outside of the purview of politics
 -- this is who we are well before we get
together for social contract of law and governance
maybe if we understood that our personal intimate
lives are not politicians' to decide for us,
that government's role is meant to be about
our social, not personal selves,
and acted accordingly we would
create the governance we actually want and deserve.
all I need do is
find my calm center and stay there
 -- everything else is happenstance.
the party of "government is the problem"
 is destroying the legitimacy of our
institutions from within
The kind of free speech restrictions
commensurate with sanity – like not
metaphorically shouting “Fire” in a
crowded theater when the only fire
is the one you are hoping to spark.
It bothers me when people say
“nobody is talking about ...” or
“nobody understands” as if “Look
how clever I am to see what nobody
else does” but plenty of people are
talking about, understanding better
than they.  Maybe they don’t know
about those people, all caught up
in their own imagined superiority.
I see the world through a veil of
wounds.  So often scorned, or ignored,
or abused.  So seldom secure enough
to let loose, to feel fine, to feel good.
It shouldn’t be so hard to have our
outrage heard, acknowledged, respected.
We shouldn’t need to be outrageous.
That long, immense trail of experience.
Fragments scattered breathe urgent
tones, flash symphonies.

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