Friday, January 21, 2022

voting rights rant


we need a 21st Century Voting Rights campaign,
evolved from the '60s, to fit our current
threat to all of our rights.
voting is not a privilege, or merely a right
voting is our basic duty as citizens in a
democracy (or democratic republic)
attempting to prevent citizens from
exercising our basic duty ought to
be considered Treason
I see all these anti-government "mavericks"
proclaim against voting because it makes no
difference, or validates a bad system.  Yet,
obviously voting can be a source of power,
or why would those who have forced their way
into government try to deny it to those who
oppose them.  Bad government results from
lack of participation, not "the system" allowed
to continue because bad actors are not
adequately opposed.
a proposal:  “Reverse Talking Filibuster”
that the Democratic Senators employ a “reverse talking filibuster”
such that they take turns talking about Voting Rights 
and all the circumstances making this Voting Rights
legislation necessary.  The point would be to take over the
Senate 24/7 with strong media attention until McConnell agrees
to cloture and a majority vote.
the only good filibuster
is a talking filibuster
instead of promoting bipartisanship or
debate this 60 vote to cloture exactly
denies debate and promotes hate and disfunction
the point is to keep the Dems from
making the progress they promised
and the people want so no one will
want to vote for them in '22, when exactly
what is needed to get all those promises
fulfilled is to vote in more progressive Dems
in '22 so we won't need to sweat the
filibuster or "moderates"
 These Republican anti-voter shenanigans
reminds me of the scene in "Guys and Dolls"
at the crap game where Big Jule has insisted
they play with his spotless dice. 
Harry the Horse says that  "With honest dice, Big Jule
cannot make a pass to save his soul."
 the issue really is that these new
restrictions on voting are meant to be
just that, so politicians can choose
their voters and who they don't want voting,
as if they own the country.
public interest lawyers and activists:
time to get busy and creative finding ways
to get around the restrictions and get out
the vote better than ever!

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