Friday, October 8, 2021

darkening air


do you have any idea the extent of toxins
in our blood just from breathing and drinking
water on our shamelessly polluted planet?
see, you wail and whine and scream and
foam at the mouth about "fiscal responsibility"
and "THE DEBT!!!" and "SOCIALISM!!!!" and such
so you don't have to actually be responsible
or care about the cost of your enthusiasms
It’s not the time
It’s the mileage
I’ve lived so many lives
in my years
I don’t have time
to go down your rabbit hole
-- I have a life to feed
(and I know rabbit holes so
much more fascinating than yours)
When I was young,
before I became completely defeated,
I was sincerely interested in
everyone I met – in my earnest quest
to figure out people.
If it comes to you like propaganda,
think it through.
If you don’t know how – get away from
all influence, become calm, become
clear, understand none of that social
frenzy is yours.
Think about what makes you feel
calm, relaxed, happy.
Do what makes you feel you.
It is reasonable to expect to profit
from good/desirable products/services
through honorable business practices.
No one is entitled to profit dishonorably.
I do what I do, say what I say,
for my reasons – not yours.


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