Friday, September 24, 2021

thought fall


To send out the words of my
thought onto the virtual page,
part of the emanating conversation.
People like to do what we perceive
we are good at – it gives us pleasurable
feelings of self love.
We like to feel we are helping others
-- giving those pleasures of
happy with me.
When we can find we are good at work
that we can see helps others, the
good feelings can make up for quite
a bit of lack and discomfort.
When we can’t count on anybody
to act honorably,
how can we progress?
If we want to benefit from society,
we ought be willing to take on
its responsibilities.
schools, for the most part, are
about socialization, teaching the young
how to fit in, and are bad for the healthy
growth of individuals who don't really
belong in that environment
we default -- bad for Biden/Dems
and of course no more public spending
and very helpful to a New American
silly little thing called the filibuster
makes the Senate minority in control
despite what looks like Democrat dominance
Against my better judgment
(which seems to have left me in the lurch),
I am going to tell you a hard truth. 
I spent a large portion of my life wishing
I had been aborted so that I would not have
to suffer my existence.  If I felt that way,
I'm sure others do as well.  So many people
have had it so much worse than I have. 
Not abortion for birth control, but for death control,
early suicide prevention. 
Have you seen the statistics?  I may yet be one. 
Not to go into gory details, but I can tell you
that I have no fear of Hell.
And right to Hell you'll be going,
you baby murderer!
Hey, aren't you supposed to tell me
something like to take the love of the Lord
Jesus into my heart to ease my suffering?

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