Saturday, June 26, 2021

learning democracy


the right has perfected the tactic
of loudly complaining that those
they oppose are doing the evil stuff
done by the right itself, deflection and projection
the fight itself is educating us all.
Who among us had heard of CRT
or most of the history we are now
hearing about because everyone is
going crazy over what had been a
course available in some law schools?
I want the talking filibuster back,
or none at all
why do we need to give an edge to the
minority in the Senate when the Senate
already does that by being nonrepresentational?
acting like the filibuster has a legitimate purpose
when the make-up of the Senate itself gives
more power to the rural minority
and, look, the Senate majority can
add/remove/change the rules every term
and, obviously the Republicans don't fear it
being used by the Democrats for many reasons,
including that the Repubs are much more
disciplined and happy to cheat
we as a democracy should know
that it is imperative to have a well
educated citizenry who understand
our history, philosophy, system(s)
and structures to usefully
participate in self rule
If we want our political reps
to do more, we have to do more
to convince them of what we want,
how to get there, and how we will help. 
It's only a democracy if the People
 do the work.  Complaining is not doing the work.


Tuesday, June 22, 2021

may we relate


oh to be a cop and get to
out our frustrations on the job
how about drop the assumptions and
expectations, rather, develop relationships.
As I observe all the misery, loneliness, angry hatred
spread through our social spheres, it occurs to me
what we are missing, what we are needing, what
could give us all more of what we need to live well,
is creating real, meaningful relationships
not really rejection,
more nonconnection
with this world
3 dimensional reality
can’t be circumscribed
by 2 sides.
The room is here.
People living out loud, accepted.
Messy, outside expected.
We are, every bit as much as you.
Don’t expect your view to rule.
Understand, definitions are expanding.
Caught in the scariness of change,
along with the hope.
We are only beginning.


Thursday, June 17, 2021

apocalypse psychology


apocalypse psychology
Putting them (all those strangers
we fear, out there) to transparent
standards we never think of for us
-- because it's never about behavior
we expect or desire, but only
cynical political conceit.
What do we gain by such competing,
by living lies?
Not disease.
Me being me
creating emotional wisdom
to face outrageous experience.
We are humans, beings, believings,
biological instincts, burden of
survival.  Our vast dependence --
layers of Earth and time,
ancestors’ enterprise, egos to keep
record of how we've coped before,
so much more...
To casually reduce such
manifold agonies of sacrifice,
endless recessive mirrors, images
foundation to our minds,
our means of escape or progress,
as less of worth than
amassed tokens of some gentlemen
game, that's insane.
Expect perfection?
That is not democracy --
Rule by the People.
I am not perfect, nor are you.
"Perfect person" is an oxymoron.
If we the People expect perfection,
that is not democracy:  rule by we the People.
don't take sides -- pay attention and make
useful commentary,
look outside the lines
it seems to me that people become more
passionately involved with causes/missions
that they feel personally involved with,
that this serious issue of Americans without
adequate civic education or interest can be
helped with more everyday involvement of more
citizens in all these aspects of democracy – so
let's get out there and promote civic engagement.
Summer cabin embraced in
rambling Adirondacks
Mountain sound
Woods, lake, echo nightsong.
Deep air, breeze that carries history,
folklore fantasies, bits of brambles,
seeds and spores, potions and charms.
Contemplation, as if a natural right.


Friday, June 11, 2021

coronal light


It seems to be becoming apparent
that the way out of our contretemps
is based in community, empathy,
kindness and reality, rather than
paranoid fantasies – that we all do
better when we each do better, and
Yet all the dunning, vitriol, sarcastic
barbs, make belief in trust ridiculous,
dangerous.  How bridge that?
Let what happens happen.
Live within it.
Be transparent.
Control the narrative.
That’s the thing with science.
It changes, by design,
as more is learned.


Thursday, June 10, 2021

on opening air


money is not a commodity.  Money is an idea. 
That we make this mental construct a thing
to possess is sheer foolishness and a cause
of great unnecessary suffering.
the wealthy are benefited by
having a financial stake in the country,
by doing their part to be useful and of benefit
to the community, the society, more in flow
with societal goals and more able to relate
and be related to because humans need humans
and are only deceived if we believe we
need "wealth" that makes us less
I keep noticing really bad outcomes
that are commonplace due to an emphasis
on profit over every other value, over actual
utility, as if that is the obvious and
only appropriate course.
A glutton for experience
to breathe in and hold
as stories to sustain me,
that enthrall when I'm old.
Things that we carry with us.
Why do we add them to our
weight, our responsibility?
Our identity, imbued in symbols,
iconography, necessities
we carry with us
as we become
more than our bare bodies
proof of our faith in
reality beyond our
ecstatic bond.
Babies, meant to be beautiful
symbols of opening possibilities
But when everything's going
to shit
they become only more vectors
of misery.
The social inertia is being broken
by Earth changes.

Saturday, June 5, 2021

input processing


the Senate gets to make its rules

anew each session

since the filibuster clearly is of no use to
the majority, and is only a means for the minority
to take control (highly undemocratic), [the
priorities of minority parties are already
Constitutionally secured by the Senate’s
swayed make up of two from every state.]
it makes sense to realize this is a stupid rule
that needs to be changed
let us be clear, this is not "white people"
but a certain section of society with
no self respect, and therefore
no respect for others
it's like only "conservative" rules matter
as if only the "right" commands respect.
de-immune the police
Understand that sometimes the world
gets away from us.
What always makes it ok for us
Fantasy,  bright romance of who I’m
What’s become of me
is not worth saving.
Where is there to believe, to belong,
to remind, to find
a key to meaning?
Working against our own best interests
on hope of short-term stability.
The whole thing about being human,
exploding because it makes no sense
to me.
Every day in a maze.
Human mythology
painting names on reality.
Instead of pretending they are at War,
Israel would be better to treat Hamas
as the violent criminals they are,
tracking and apprehending and putting
on public trial – not as an excuse to murder
like violent criminals.
It is galling that so often the people
who own great wealth (a lion’s share
of the people’s available resources)
are not those with the moral foundation
to use it well.
When we’re told to judge,
the rush of vengeful hate
lets us forget that Justice
means equanimity – not enmity.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

alternative thoughts

 Workers Unite, strike

Against the plutocratic state
Take back their power to create
What can police do
with their time instead
of committing crimes against
the communities they are
paid to serve?
How about being witness to
averse interactions in which
to intervene?
How about presence that adds
to the calculus against doing
wrong when it won’t go unseen?
How about preventing extreme
behaviors by listening  to
neighbors’ concerns, turning a
caring eye to devalue violence?
How about trading silence for
transparency, accountability,
social justice – not us and them?
Understand it’s not about
petty pride, angry entitlement.
This is about humanity’s
historic striving to find true
what some call kindness.