Friday, October 9, 2020


 There is a great deal we can do -- if we are willing

to do and not just post complaints.  We can create
bit by bit that world we want, first small steps
until we get into the swing.  Most "government"
happens locally -- yet we focus almost
exclusively on the national, POTUS, whose
power would be greatly diminished if we
all practiced democracy from the bottom up.
Political "reality" (as it differs from
actual reality) -- this is a common dream.
It's not on me to convince you
because I know I can't.
You are so opposed to what I say,
there is no way you will hear me.
If the family is our basic unit
of society, how might we better
grow and value our familial world?
True freedom fighters --
antifascist as realpolitik philosophy
 -- not organized politics.  Real
people in the streets.  Claiming this land,
this nation, this historic experiment
in self-rule, for every me and you.
The battle cry that made our
Revolution, our Constitution
worthy of worship as country's
They've said we need to bleed
each generation to feed
What we need is to stop bleeding.
Find better language than violence.
What if paths lesser traveled
lead you to endless pain,
trolls and vampires and
nightmares' despair?
What if nowhere exists to escape,
no better days, no promise
unbetrayed, no symbolic siblings
to carry on?
What if screams to some barren
universe lead (ironically)
only to bleeding throat?
That fork in your metaphoric road,
that importantly poor decision
has become whatever our popular
tongue translates
as fate.
It's not tribalism --
it's mass hypnosis.
Real tribes could save us
from divisive delusion.

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