Friday, October 16, 2020

politics of survival

 Hey 3rd party fans, instead of uselessly stumping for POTUS, which you know won't happen in the current nation, better to expend that energy in your State and local elections where many fewer voters are interested so you are more likely to be triumphant.  Imagine all those Green state laboratories to show the world.

When we have destroyed ourselves, hopefully, Earth can self-correct.

With attack so ubiquitous, we must inure ourselves to survive.

what we need is not so much a rule allowing abortion, but a general right to be left alone, to have private areas of our lives that are none of government's business, including consensual sex and reproduction decisions

This talk of "Court packing" against the Dems when it was McConnell's GOP that refused to vote in Obama's judicial picks to leave the slots open for their next POTUS, made a huge deal of not accepting a Dem pick in the year of an election while now insisting on their right to vote in a Trump pick clearly not wanted by the electorate during the election.  The Dems are just trying to find a counterbalance as they well should under the common law decision in Goose v. Gander.

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