Saturday, November 9, 2019


they've been blaming the internet -- time on devices rather than face to face
yet, the internet was meant to bring us together, a larger us than we could see face to face
we tear ourselves apart
over petty disagreements or even huge disagreements
over petty differences of all sorts
over our own insecurities that we fear being seen, while not seeing all the insecurities around us because we're too focused on our own, too sure of rejection to reach out and befriend
and we let all this pettiness destroy our lives rather than enlarge our power to make our world work for all of us by working together
perhaps it is a deathwish we have wished upon each other, and therefore on ourselves.
changes the system
an unframeable
I don’t care about “economy”
I care about our society
Are we each and all getting what
we need to be our best,
to have the tools to do the work
to make us thrive?
A writer is a private actor
becoming characters
we can speak through
The force of gravity
The force of social approbation
We hold to these protocols,
to these fundamental rules
that keep us spinning,
give us space, place,
ability to relate,
communicate, become
Layers upon layers of history
Stories of imagined possibilities
and how they grew


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