Wednesday, December 5, 2012

gifts for St. Nicholas Night

Riding the gentle glide, the whirling wind
Inside this tender bubble of in and out
Surrounded by gift and giving
Essential to we, the living

Picture each animated creature enlivened
Each candle warmly, brilliantly ignited
Animated faces celebrate excitement
Creature comfort gifts encircle trees
Enlivened pleasure whirled in peace

Lullaby of Light
Ride a stallion of snow to the heart of your dreams
Imbibe the sweet nectar of endless romance
Twirl into the world of magic and melody and dance.
Send out twinkling moonbeams as smiles of delight
Gift us all with love's vision of bountiful peace
Pour out joy that every enlightening impulse increase.
Find a song that fills your heart
Feel a beat that sets you free
Embrace the dance of who you're meant to be.

Winter Song O' Mother Sun

Winter homage to our waning Sun
that she will return, feed us
with light and heat, sweet
Mother Star, we enchant
thee with ceremony, in singing/dancing
glorious pageantry at your feet,
a synergy of faith and formal prayer.
We are your children, refining
your gift of life, designing
grand structures, grander dreams,
imaging rainbows from your
streaming light;
see how our visions learn to take
under your warm embrace
and on through the night.
These long nights, we beseech you,
reach out to join our hands,
share warmth of your reflected love,
Mother Sun.

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