Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12/12/12 Year of Prophecies


We willingly expose,
offer blood and agony.
Sacrificial phoenix, a’blaze
upon charred altar’s throne.
Seared eyes, scalded tongues;
bitter acid drips to anoint,
to hallow, to invoke,
again and again to approximate
Each coronation marked,
perfume of condensing steam,
carnate fluids.
We surrender hope,
our innocence, familiarity,
for the freedom wisdom implies.
Loosened grasp on mortality,
slipping digits still desperate to hold
the next piece of the code.
Power – so slender, so sleek and bare,
air that moves worlds.
Burn raw, pure, to feel beyond
what thought could imagine, to know.


Those who lose their souls to religionCaught up in frames against their better angels
Might, if the spirit so o’ertakes their vision
Come to discern divisive righteousness’s dangers

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