Friday, January 20, 2012

Aquarian days (raos)

In these days of quantum cosmic possibilities, when prophecies and science fiction dreams are inflaming collective imagination, don't we have some more relevant topic than last century's economic dabblings to enshrine?
perhaps we ought to have a new definition of poverty, based not on dollar amounts but quality of life.
I notice ownership is not a guarantee of good stewardship.  Often owned objects are treated with disregard.  Even long sought toys pall as playthings and get tossed into some bin of oblivion.  What is valued is what is used, tools that make our work possible or allies that make it enjoyable.
Do not struggle with anger, my son Give in to the luxury of ire and woe Dance to the music of bloodlust, fire, passion Avenge the angst of life's attractions Get caught up in the lava flow, burning to spend and leap without reserve Then, in sweet afterglow, in mild day's reflection, take in the view of battlelands subdued. In this fading light, this waning Sun, aftermath of action, take time and patience, eye of storm, tongue of meditation, clear mind of wisdom to wish.
I pray for you to lose the plank in your eye, to melt the icy hatred locking in your heart.
We could use a mentor class and systems to match those who care to share their knowledge with those who require it for any vocation desired.
Outspoken capitalists seem not to realize that a free market is meant to be free for all to use whatever strategy they think will work for them.

Aren't most abortions sought by married women who desire (or even already have) children, but because of the situations surrounding the particular pregnancy have decided that termination is the best option? Abortions save mothers lives, both directly an the broader sense. They often save the unborn child from a life that no one ought to be forced to endure. Perhaps what is needed are massive wrongful life suits (maybe class action or pro bono through activist lawyers) brought by horribly deformed and diseased children against the "right to life" groups that required their birth. Life is not always a gift, but sometimes more like a curse, a burden that those who insisted they knew better than the mother ought to pay for if we are to have credence as a free society. A right to life for free people is also a right to not be forced to live.
The problem is not in difference of opinions or social theories. The problem is the attitude of belittling, berating and generally working out of a war metaphor.

There are people who feel a responsibility to control others, often with laudable motives of bringing people generally into a better way of life. Then there are those on a mission from a perverted sense of god (perhaps Satan Himself or some archetypal daemon?) who take a stand without reserve, remorse or reason. Of course there are mostly the politically expedient.
The essence of the novel is not the medium but the story. There is no need to hold content to the kinds of technologies available in the past, when the novel originated and evolved in print. There is no need to limit content to fit some current trend either.
There is a too little questioned fallacy of the wealthy as the job creators. Those who have so much that they can dispense jobs in fits of philanthropy if only we will pamper them into benevolence are THE way to the salvation of employment for we below. Really, though, jobs are not "given" nor benevolently created. No one would be employed if their skills and time were not benefiting and profiting those who employ them. The sneered remark of "a poor person never hires anyone" is far from true. With their last cent, and often future prospects in the form of debt, those without wealth are constantly hiring those who provide necessary goods and services. There is a persistent insistence that to move our economy forward we must give all kinds of concessions, corporate welfare, special tax breaks, et al to the "job creators" who already are on top of the food chain. Somehow it is evil, socialist disincentive to produce to aid the much greater job creators on the bottom to continue to pay and play their part in the economy.

Congressional rule would be so much easier without these protesting citizens to deal with
it is not just military women who must daily risk sexual assault at the hands of their fellows; certainly it is not only Muslim women who are subjugated at the hands of brutal males

motherhood is not really valued (probably because it is women's work)

Big pharm, like big moneyed interests generally, is not about public interest, but private profits.
There are plenty of local regulations created by those who know how to manipulate government to cut down on competition in their field. John Stossel often mocks these on his Fox Business tv show.

Why would we deserve a fearless President when we are not a courageous electorate?
Whether you agree with Paul or not at least he is very clear and consistent about what he believes and does as a result.
At least the things Congressman Paul says that scare some crap are out there being said -- not obfuscated like what is not said by those who speak talking points and focus-grouped soundbites.


What I learned in high school and elementary science classes was that science is often wrong (not what my teachers taught, just my informed observation). Better than teaching "science" our students need to learn critical thinking.

When we are concerned about shoplifting, we do not close the store. When we are concerned about ticket fraud, we do not shut down the concert hall. Nor do we build walls around stores in the mall that have experienced theft. We prosecute the thief. There are anti-copyright laws that get exercised every day. If the problem is that the interested parties can't keep up with the general culture of sharing art and information, perhaps they need to better educate themselves.
Copyright prosecutions across borders happen all the time; there are specific international copyright laws, though some countries tend to ignore them (but then they tend to do what they choose in most situations). If our problem is with China, it does us no good to destroy our people's access to the 'net. Rather, we need to learn to better negotiate with China.
It seems like so-called free market capitalists, who would be the first to scream about job killing regulations on their industries at the same time expect government to keep them safe from losses in an actual free marketplace.
Under the (sainted) Reagan administration, the old rules changed to let the good times roll for those at the top with some flimsy underpinning of "trickle down". As the real conservative at the time, George Bush (the father) knew, this was "voodoo," not reality-based. Since then it's all about the entitled people of means, not what is good for the country.

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