Saturday, September 18, 2010


Earthdance - a peace celebration in 50+ countries

This weekend is Earthdance - the worldwide music festival for peace!

Earthdance International joins participants worldwide through the universal languages of music, art and dance to enable the growth of an international community addressing peace, sustainability and social justice. 

Aligned with the 
United Nations International Day of Peace on September 21, Earthdance is the first and largest synchronized music and dance festival in the world, working with over 70 countries to find solutions toward a socially just and environmentally sustainable Culture of Peace.

Who doesn't love to party for a good cause?! The festivals all have great live music , DJs, workshops, and a worldwide synchroized Prayer for Peace.

here to find an Earthdance celebration near you.

If you can't make it, check out, a live stream of all the Earthdance celebrations happening in over 50 countries around the world!
Enter Dancing
That liminal space
Between my body and the airwaves
Creates a dance.
There is fluid form
There is salvation,
Thunder from the heavens,
Tears and lightening,
A host, a feast, a conflagration.
There is laughter.
The dance takes me up
In her motherly embrace,
Holds me softly,
Listens closely,
Takes in all my sorrow,
Lets me fly.

Body Language
Teach Peace
Dancing in the classroom
Body wisdom
Reaches through neural pathways
regenerates whole to whole
soul to soul
touching life
I feel you in my mind, my spine
Feel me dancing
elongating muscles
extending connections
My country is Peace
People of Peace
are my compatriots
Warriors of Peace
move human energy,
resources, time, minds
with weapons of art
active compassion
respect for the dignity of each and all
Words of Peace
speak beyond structured language
sharing profoundly
in joy
graceful dancing
to music of each dawn
enlivening Peace

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