Friday, August 23, 2024

war and peace

 Why is there no right to be left alone,
and no right to be heard?

Maybe it's as simple as having 
an artist's soul

None of it is easy
that's what is
What do you do with your life?
What do you want to do?
How reconcile -- to do what is 
meaningful to you
within the boundaries given?

We seem to have lost respect for
well directed hard work and meaningfully
good intentions, instead intent on
insulting with the crowd.

War and Peace

Rape, angry savagery
these have been weapons of war
since war began
since we began
Send out young men with everything
to prove
in a world where masculinity
means obdurate strength against all 
comers, no mercy, no soft sensibilities.

Mere politics won't change this.
Leaders are caught up in their social
norms.  Only cultural shift can move human
behavior to a place of greater sanity,
those better lives we claim so deeply to

Hate is too potent, to important an emotion
to harbor wholesale.
Hate ought be intimate, one to one,
based on true harm.

We, each and all, need to discover,
to invent, to learn, to devise our ways
to become, each and all, imbued with
kindness, compassion, the enlightened
self-interest of win/win/win.
This is as possible as any goal mankind
might plan, encourage, carry through.
That each and every me and you
has our part in, our literal skin in,
shareholders all.
Or would you rather continue to fall,
to fail to thrive?

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