Friday, August 23, 2024

war and peace

 Why is there no right to be left alone,
and no right to be heard?

Maybe it's as simple as having 
an artist's soul

None of it is easy
that's what is
What do you do with your life?
What do you want to do?
How reconcile -- to do what is 
meaningful to you
within the boundaries given?

We seem to have lost respect for
well directed hard work and meaningfully
good intentions, instead intent on
insulting with the crowd.

War and Peace

Rape, angry savagery
these have been weapons of war
since war began
since we began
Send out young men with everything
to prove
in a world where masculinity
means obdurate strength against all 
comers, no mercy, no soft sensibilities.

Mere politics won't change this.
Leaders are caught up in their social
norms.  Only cultural shift can move human
behavior to a place of greater sanity,
those better lives we claim so deeply to

Hate is too potent, to important an emotion
to harbor wholesale.
Hate ought be intimate, one to one,
based on true harm.

We, each and all, need to discover,
to invent, to learn, to devise our ways
to become, each and all, imbued with
kindness, compassion, the enlightened
self-interest of win/win/win.
This is as possible as any goal mankind
might plan, encourage, carry through.
That each and every me and you
has our part in, our literal skin in,
shareholders all.
Or would you rather continue to fall,
to fail to thrive?

Sunday, August 11, 2024

social roles for public betterment

 when the wealthy elite complain about 
government programs to help the less well 
off, are they forgetting, or embarrassed, that 
their social role is in part to provide the 
funds for public betterment

you want kids safe?  tell them the truth, 
give them options and ideas for 
self-protection, be safe to them, treat them 
like intelligent humans who are merely 
inexperienced in some of the ways of the world

(and they'll be much mentally healthier as well)

categorizing by gender only 
perpetuates gender myths and inequality

rather, categorize by level of ability

it's not about the money
the cruelty is the point
we do need to organize and fight back against the bullies

Has anyone else noticed Musk's intense bipolar energy?

It may come down to excellent education
-- not as a political football or a means
to profit -- based on values of the benefits
of an intelligent, aware electorate;
providing the building blocks to create
the great ideas of the future, the solutions,
products, breakthroughs, new enterprises
not yet imagined, to take us further
toward our best potentials.

Racism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia
Homophobia -- all of these are more
wholesale hates are basically a form of
social tribalism that claims:  You are not
proper people according to our teachings.

Though given every consideration in 
public discourse, media bias, and 
political maneuvering, the ideas/ideals
of the Conservative Christian Right
are for the most part abhorred and find
no favor with The People.


Saturday, August 3, 2024

welcome to your place in history


there would be much less need for money in politics
 (just for headquarters, staff, fees, transportation 
and such) if we did our due diligence as citizens, 
learned and shared who these people are, what 
they have done, how effective they have been, 
what they value, so we would neither need 
ads nor be swayed by propaganda 

sometimes I have to wonder about people 
wasting their precious human lives on 
stupid hates and nasty actions
can't they find more pleasant activities?

DEI is actually a method to ensure 
the best employees, unfettered to
old notions based in unthinking prejudice

America is SO READY for a female POTUS
 -- welcome to your place in history 
as part of this election!

voting is the basic duty of a citizen in a democracy 
(necessary, not sufficient)
it doesn't matter as much that your vote "count" 
as that you do your due diligence and participate

the problems in our democracy mostly stem from 
We the People abdicating our role as self 
governors, allowing "parties" and "media" to take over 

we have money in politics, yes because 
monied interests want to rule -- but that 
wouldn't matter if citizens did our jobs of 
being informed so we would have no use for
or interest in their advertising and campaign tricks
What has taken our freedoms, allowed 
the wealthy to make the rules, is their clever 
trick of getting most of us so caught up in 
this and that, so poorly educated, so 
anti-intellectual, that we don't even realize 
we have a job we're not doing to self rule

Those who do the work to create an enterprise
are only part of the process.  Also necessary
are those who provide the labor to reach
the enterprise's goals, and the
users/consumers of its products.
For the business to do well, all of these
must be well served, as well as the
greater community.

At its best, government is people
with the appropriate expertise
doing those jobs to help us better
do ours.

These "Christians" so sexually obsessed.
Have they read their "Holy Book"
and managed to ignore its vast
teachings and philosophies,
intent only on prescribing other
people's sexuality?

If private industry, given the
opportunity, won't provide what the
people actually want (other than
working to convince us to take what
they offer), it becomes obvious we must
make the changes to give that job to
those who will do it.
