Friday, March 15, 2024

Irish Ides


George Washington, the First POTUS,

strongly warned against political parties.

Yet, the US government has become

based on a two party system, which forces

that kind of ugly adversary politics that

divides We the People.

 There's got to be a better way

between viciously anti

and fawningly for

Let's just get over ourselves and

admit we all such sometimes.

And yet, we each have our moments

of transcendance when we rise

above our limitations to do what is

right, or kind.

There ought to be (is there?) easily

accessed, well advertised, sites where

data is clearly posted about bad doctors,

bad police, bad businesses engaged in

fraudulant practice, where we can all

be warned.

If they want you to do evil,

they are not in the service of good.

We've always suffered the slings and

arrows of bullies and assholes.

And now they are merrily destroying

the world where we need to live our

simple lives, because that's what they

do, so confident in their self-perceived



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