Saturday, February 3, 2024

This is not a metaphor

 We do what we do

to fill and nourish our time

until it's replete

Trust is not an appropriate term

for what we feel for strangers, 

public figures we know only as

the character they project.

Trust is an intimate relationship

between people who have immediate

evident of who we each are.

Is the real Trump appeal

the misogyny?

We worry about threats to

democracy, to our fought for

and expected rights.

Who is talking about the real 

and underlying threat -- rule by

violent intimidation?

When I was young, I was

suicidal, but I manifested that

desire to die as bravery, standing

up for what I believed.

Perhaps part of the disconnect

between the US coasts and the

intervening states, is that coasts

are where ever new waves of 

immigrants from everywhere enter,

and often settle.

A world on fire

Under fire

Engulfed in molten flame

Burning hot, getting hotter

Is this a place we all desire

to extinguish?

to self-immolate?

This is not a metaphor

People suck-- which is why it

is so easy to manipulate us -- just

give us permission to go wild, be brutal


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