Saturday, July 1, 2023

unsung multitudes


We NEED to let go of

Moral Superiority.

Admit, Celebrate, Embrace

We are each a mire of

ambiguities trying to wend

a way from here to where we

find some sense, some meaning,

tradition, ambition, clarity

-- some divine design or simple

formula.  Open eyes, heart, mind

to exploration of communication,

of community, of loving unity,

of familial warmth, of kind regard,

respect for all we've been through

and yet to suffer or smother from

-- the reality we try to deny in

cruel play that would so much

more happily, usefully, endearingly

be assuaged with humility of

true morality --

the consciousness to live

successfully in society.




You call this whining, tantrum

throwing toddler a man (to be

admired, emulated)?

You have your definitions askew.

A man is a mature male human.

This is an immature mess.





is not what we want or need.

Healing from trauma and

so knowing how

is what we need.




Art does not require commercial

success, but necessitates creative

success -- the fruition of the vision.




It is not as easy for autists to mask

as the neurotypicals.  That may be

the real difference -- that the

neurotypical more easily falls into

social roles.




I am not


   or bad

I am a complex interplay

of experience and consciousness.

I am a vagabond wanderer

    thru (within) time.

I gain social roles, a mansion of

windows, views to inform variegate

realities -- keyholes to worlds.

Too much, too many, to categorize,

to capture on binary code --

and yet but a human among

unsung multitudes.





why do we seem to accept and encourage

the "right" attitudes about who

we are supposed to be?





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