Friday, July 28, 2023

scifi nightmare



We knew it was coming, did nothing

And now it’s here

We’re caught in this science fiction nightmare




It’s not the power that corrupts

But the weaknesses it covers over




It’s not all economics

Even what is about economics is

Not really about these theories and arguments

We categorize as economics.  It’s about

People’s lives, and how we perceive them.




We are so proud of hiding,

of denying our true reality

to be safe within our


Our communities, that deny

our true realities -- where can

we truly be?




You imagine these people

"fascists", or any dehumanizing

"ist", when they are just people

trying to figure out this being

human, like you.




Fight mentality won't lead us

to Peaceful prosperity.




I don't believe in anything

while I believe in everything

Let the Truth fall where it may.




I have no say,

no authority.

I  fall in place,

I soar to space.

Crazy whore for that trace

of credibility, of something

I can trust.




The Death Penalty


Fatal Police Encounters

not Destiny

Escalated beyond supposed


so fast, as if this stopgap

ultimatum were our best and

only defensive remedy.

Who makes this disgusting

paradigm reality?

To what end?





it almost seems like tptb are happy

to make use of these dreadful conditions

to lower the population of the possibly

dangerous masses while they live well

in their climate controlled palaces




why fight?  Fighting just glorifies violence

and discord.  Why not find out what

these grievances really are, why these

people think they want authoritative rule

against their proclaimed love of freedom,

why they embrace violence against people

who otherwise would mean them no harm? 

Why not rebel against dichotomy and find

common ground in our common vulnerable

humanity and work (not fight) for better

relationships, communication, cooperation

for common goals? 


I see so many stories of hate and violent

temperament being turned by loving notice. 

People want to be seen, want attention and

approbation and as with the children we all

still are, if we don't get good attention we'll

opt for the bad.  Fascism is just another ism,

another deadening of humanity which is

better approached  with good  work than

more fighting and destruction.




Wednesday, July 19, 2023

the true human condition



You treat people badly because you can,

because it gives you a thrill, because it

never occurred to you that you could

as easily treat people well, and end up

with a much better feeling about yourself.




Why are these moments memorable?

Because you are being seen

by another living being.




Help me to understand,

Humanity -- why you seem

compelled to horror,

loud blasts that destroy

in an instant

lives, long built projects, what

has been bled for, cried for,

denied untold suffering to attain.

I see youu claim to love with

passionate generosity, to

lionize kind sagacity, to yearn

for the beatific freedoms of

peace and charitable sanity.

You clearly want me to believe

in your greater good.

Yet you blatantly express malice,

greed, unrestricted indecencies --

Why?  Why are you killing me,

every "me" as if you are not

in control?




Not the distance of kindness

but of kind of intimacy.

Bringing in.  Breathing in

musky memory, close

cloistered reverie,

when we were us,

a coalition  of love, of life.




Why go back in time

when every choice was

what made sense in the moment?

Even knowing what I do today

I have to better way to choose,

no clearer vision to scry

from this river of life.




Perhaps we believe how

other people treat us is

about us, how we present

to the world, our shortcomings

coming home to roost,

traits we can't control,

expectations we can't meet.

Perhaps we don't understand

the true human condition,

encased in separate realities,

not reacting rationally as one

might suppose from subjective





When I was training to aid

people trying to escape domestic

abuse, we were told men abuse

women because of their

internalized and socially

reinforced belief that violence is

an acceptable, even expected,

means of self-expression.




Understand that I will never

NEVER, give you any money.

This is a firm commitment I

have made.  I could support you

in other ways, such as spreading

your messages.  That is if you give

me actual information rather than

this bait and switch of suggesting

there is actual information that you

email, when in fact it is only fundraising.

This kind of tactic only results in me

thinking you are not worth my





It's not a democracy because

we vote.  It is a democracy if we

do the work to rule ourselves.




I don't belong in the world

but neither, apparently, do

most of us

Somehow we're made to believe

those angry bigots get to be






Saturday, July 1, 2023

unsung multitudes


We NEED to let go of

Moral Superiority.

Admit, Celebrate, Embrace

We are each a mire of

ambiguities trying to wend

a way from here to where we

find some sense, some meaning,

tradition, ambition, clarity

-- some divine design or simple

formula.  Open eyes, heart, mind

to exploration of communication,

of community, of loving unity,

of familial warmth, of kind regard,

respect for all we've been through

and yet to suffer or smother from

-- the reality we try to deny in

cruel play that would so much

more happily, usefully, endearingly

be assuaged with humility of

true morality --

the consciousness to live

successfully in society.




You call this whining, tantrum

throwing toddler a man (to be

admired, emulated)?

You have your definitions askew.

A man is a mature male human.

This is an immature mess.





is not what we want or need.

Healing from trauma and

so knowing how

is what we need.




Art does not require commercial

success, but necessitates creative

success -- the fruition of the vision.




It is not as easy for autists to mask

as the neurotypicals.  That may be

the real difference -- that the

neurotypical more easily falls into

social roles.




I am not


   or bad

I am a complex interplay

of experience and consciousness.

I am a vagabond wanderer

    thru (within) time.

I gain social roles, a mansion of

windows, views to inform variegate

realities -- keyholes to worlds.

Too much, too many, to categorize,

to capture on binary code --

and yet but a human among

unsung multitudes.





why do we seem to accept and encourage

the "right" attitudes about who

we are supposed to be?



