Saturday, April 1, 2023

fool moon




don't conservatives want to go back

to the good old days? As I recall, there

were much more stringent restrictions

on firearms back then (not to mention

the highly taxed wealthy)




We are kind not for the benefit of

others (a happy side effect), but so

we can feel the grace of that kindness.




It's not about religious canons --

it's about the cannon fodder

to feed the empire




Liberty to do what one knows one

ought, freedom to follow one's

conscience, despite the power of

the crowd, the fear of the powerful




Why not take it all on faith

(as we do)

What do we gain raising up

energy against beliefs?

Even the clearly impossible,

from time to time

becomes.  Accept or not.

We each are but one aspect.




I heard it suggested that people

who believe in the freedom implied

by the 2nd Amendment see those

awful side effects of innocents killed

as unfortunate necessities to maintain,

to secure their freedom, their right.

I say this is another excellent, vital

reason to arrange for, give ongoing

voice to open conversation (not debate

or argument or name-calling free fight,

but reasoned conversation) so all

stakeholders (all of us affected) get to

explain, even plea for, each and all of

our rights, our freedom -- like the freedom

to each as best we can live and fulfill

our lives.




Damned humanity -- destroying

everything, everyone

in pursuit of a tragically stupid

consensual fantasy.





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