Sunday, March 5, 2023

days of haze


everyone loves to hate our Congress

and they prove deserve it by refusing to enact

 one law that would be loved by all -- do away 

with these insane yearly time changes


it just occurred to me that anti-government 

types like to say people are like sheep

but we are much more like dogs -- pack animals 

eager to please our leader. clinging to our 

pack for security and purpose


It seems to me that the issue of student loan 

forgiveness is more complicated than yes or no

It doesn't matter ultimately (except to those

directly affected) if the debt is forgiven,

if such debts continue to arise. What is

needed are real and abundant opportunities

for education for free or reasonable cost.

Yes, people who are currently overburdened

by debts need relief. Perhaps allowing bankruptcy

would help, as well as forgiveness programs

for certain kinds of desired employment and for

those in or near poverty. Contracts entered in

good faith ought to be honored, but there are

different ways to do so with good sense and compassion.

and something like a corollary:

I have been advocating forever

for no financial blockage to

medical education. We need as

many MDs and nurses as we can

encourage from low income

backgrounds who understand those

challenges to health.


understand:  "capitalism" is merely an

 economic theory, used and abused (weaponized) 

over time

it is human beings who do these things


why rather give a finger than a hand?

is it because you think yourself too grand

to care

or is it that you fear a biting pain if you try again

to be a friend?


Those people don't believe in right

like decent folk.

They flaunt their sinful lives,

not hiding shamefully abased in guilt

for even thinking of condoning.

We can't have them near our children,

influencing through common media,

having say to make demands in our

common rule.

They must be made to suffer for

not denying such disgusting ways, 

as we do.


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