Monday, November 21, 2022





I speak with my voice,

through my mind,

framed by my experience.

Please, reply with yours.




I don't have the energy

for so much sustained rage.

I'm exhausted.

Where do you get yours?

What of your life are you exhausting?




Strong family

gift against anchorless extremity

dearly bought, despite denial

of love

and children of mind, across

every adversity and triumph

sent out again and again

to find those fabled others,

to connect or console or inspire.

Who knows, or intuits

Why deny true reality?





for all we lament and pray and

raise up voices for the care and

protection of the children, our future,

we don't really seem to want one, 

or the responsibility of dealing with

our young




Friday, November 11, 2022

after math


Look back on enjoyment

not regret




Did you vote your grudges

against good judgement?

Did you lose your vote to

shifting economic sands?

Did you vote for those who

answer your demands,

share your values and concerns?

How was your vote earned?




Secreted energies

integral, emerging

creating, manipulating elements,

evocation, brutal emotional


Unbending will, stronger than any


Inheld.  Hugged and sheltered

within this private world,




Fixed in memory

the 6th of January's

riot and treasonous plots

I see no reason why

riotous treason

should ever be forgot.




You want your self-rule

handed to you

That's not self-rule, but

rule by their hands





Sunday, November 6, 2022

make it happen




get out the #VOTE!


what do we know about getting out the vote?

I know personal contact matters

peer pressure works

impress on people that they are voters, that this is part of their identity

invite people to ask for whatever help will make their voting easier – child care, transportation, information about where/when to go and what they might need to bring

information about where/how to register, and help to do that

make it fun with get out the #vote parties, after vote parties, strategy parties, community parties (“political parties” but the fun kind)

what else?


When we talk about threats to #democracy, it may seem some

philosophical argument without real daily life immediacy.

Think, though – we are talking about our long, hard, mortally

fought for rights: our ability to be who we are and demand more,

hope for better futures, power to speak our minds, to demand

our human dignity, our possibility to improve the background

rules we live by, to not be helpless against uncaring aristocrats

and ignorant mobs.


people make loud stands on social media,

but if you really mean your fear and rage \

make sure you go out to the polls with people

who need transportation or help navigating

possible dangers; watch the poll watchers and

intercede as prudent (also, ask around to find

out what help people may need in your

neighborhood to vote)




The rising prices aren't set by

legislators, the President, the

politicians.  They are set by the

market -- you know, what the Right

has traditionally insisted our

economy be based on.








It's not an "illegal immigrant" crisis.

It's a desperate refugee crisis, and

like inflation, it's happening everywhere,

many places much more so than here,

which has been framed wrongly for

political gain that makes actual,

useful solutions much more difficult

to institute.




Meanness is a hideous look

which seems to go unnoticed by those who think

it makes them look cool




Where do you want to find

your heart and mind,

dreams and action?

How better cope with

fate you share with all

of Earth?

Hate or Hope




Have you been the victim of a crime in the past couple years?

If so, what was the nature of that crime?


Have you committed a crime in the past couple years?

If so, what was the nature of that crime?




we could (I mean if we were actually sane and rational)

release this concept of “money” from “wealth” and admit

that money is an accounting tool,

while wealth means resources







the amazing thing is how the Republicans are going all out

on inflation, which the Dems are doing their best to mitigate

though hampered by Republican obstruction --t

this economy is really of great benefit to the Republican

cause in so many ways like

of course, this lying and disinformation smear campaign

against political adversaries

all the huge profits going to their corporate supporters

the surge toward a recession with massive unemployment

which will give their corporate supporters that old leverage

against labor gains

and ... [fill in more]




why do you think Democratic messaging is lacking?

 because the obviously horse race cheering for their

big business interests major media keep saying that? 

It isn't that Dem messaging is bad but that Republican

messaging is atrocious -- lying, deceiving, screaming

about issues they created and/or have no intention of f

ixing while they prevent the Dems who are making the

effort with their obstructive tactics and violence promotion.




I am a huge proponent of peace.  I am also strongly

of the opinion that bullies must be opposed, must

not be allowed victory and thereby ever greater power. 

Oppression is not peace.

Friday, November 4, 2022

for the people


how about we don't believe in

science, but accept it's precepts,

practices and outcomes as ways

we humans figure out reality




When we talk about threats to democracy,

it may seem some philosophical argument

without real daily life immediacy.

Think, though -- we are talking about our

long, hard, mortally fought for rights:  our

ability to be who we are and demand more,

hope for better futures, power to speak

our minds, to demand our human dignity,

our possibility to improve the background

rules we live by, to not be helpless

against uncaring aristocrats

and ignorant mobs.




the real thing is, we get to choose

not just between R and D, but who

makes up R and D and how we

define our goals and rules; it's just

that most of us would rather

blame and complain




skyrocketing cynical terror selling

by GOP to lie their way to victory again --

because Americans don't think critically

(and aren't taught to when Republicans

have their way with schools)





the irresponsible radical Republicans shout

as loud as they can "It's Biden's fault" and

somehow are believed even when a second's

thought would make their claims absurd




it's not just tax cuts -- that's far from the worst

it's about doing away with the kind of

government that can put controls on

business practices that are harmful to the people




Meanness is a hideous look

which seems to go unnoticed by those who think

it makes them look cool




Not general Republican registered voters,

not all Republican politicians

but those who shove themselves

into the public face




The American Exceptionalism myth

grew out of the superhero myth of

the US triumph in WWII.

Europe had been besieged, was worn

and bombed and needy when US might

arrived.  It was circumstance, not

basic superiority.  Look at the

outcomes of our consequent wars of

convenience -- terrible for everyone.




When we speak of government

representatives working for the

people, we seem to forget that

there are millions of people with

differing needs, opinions, interests.




Try to find those with a proven record

of supporting the values you most





These people aren't evil;

they are living in an alternate




