Monday, October 24, 2022





Too many people don't want

a government that works for them.

They want a government to blame

for their dissatisfactions.




The rising prices aren't set by

legislators, the President, the

politicians.  They are set by the

market -- you know, what the Right

has traditionally insisted our

economy be based on.




It's not an "illegal immigrant" crisis.

It's a desperate refugee crisis, and

like inflation, it's happening everywhere,

many places much more so than here,

which has been framed wrongly for

political gain that makes actual,

useful solutions much more difficult

to institute.





It ought to be clear to people who bother

to think about it that Democratic policies

to combat crime and inflation, to improve

the streets and the economy, are far superior

to those, when any are actually offered, of

the Republicans. 

Pretty much the Republicans take their idea

 of an opposition party to mean their job is t

o tear down Democratic

leaders and ideas by whatever means necessary,

especially including lies, disinformation,

loud nonsense, violence and threats.






it's more complicated than yes or no


It doesn't matter ultimately (except to those

directly affected) if the debt is forgiven,

if such debts continue to arise.  What is

needed are real and abundant opportunities

for education for free or reasonable cost. 

Yes, people who are currently overburdened

by debts need relief.  Perhaps allowing bankruptcy

would help, as well as forgiveness programs

for certain kinds of desired employment and for

those in or near poverty.  Contracts entered in

good faith ought to be honored, but there are

different ways to do so with good sense and compassion.




there is crime and crime

there are vast laws cast upon the books,

too many to know about and understand,

all may be broken

when you think "crime" a picture appears

in your mind

what about the rest?






It is what it is

here in simulation

the gods demand

as tribute their entertainment

no choices given

even as I feel my will's

agitation, opposition, dissipation






People who make it

sooo important

to make their others

miserable, to punish,

create needless suffering

in a world of too much tragic pain --

how are such people given free reign,

allowed to define real lives?




We are no threat

We're trying to fit in,

to be liked.

What is it that you want?




it occurs to me that medically labeling

people based on their perceived behaviors

is not going to make anything better





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