Friday, August 12, 2022

I/me We/us


somehow we Americans have decided (or
decided by not deciding) that it is the place of
politicians to solve whatever irks us, while
usually inveighing against "government"
maybe we can relax and be happy
and all manner of things can be happy
why not?  we're all gonna die
we have a democracy, but the rulers (The People)
have abdicated in favor of big money propagandists
we really need to do our job in finding people who
truly have the background, skills and values we want,
then keep them honest by paying attention and
praising or complaining as appropriate -- and doing
our job of learning about the people we vote for so
we can't be taken in by flashy big money paid for ads and such
Poorly bound generalization
makes us a miserable nation.
When in doubt, act from kindness.
If you don’t like Biden’s job so far,
the smart move is to vote in more
Congress folk who more meet your
values – you know, division of powers,
so you have reps you can work with.
Embedded in this human life --
observe and report (mission statement)
Back to early understanding, reaching for
night’s stars with pleading eyes.
I access several sources of information
with decades of context to analyze it within.
The Fed raising interest rates in response
to inflation is meant to slow the economy
by making money more expensive so it
becomes costly to invest in business expansion
and borrowing generally so people are less
likely to spend.  However, in this instance
at least, the inflation is not due to monetary
availability but to lack of expected good, due to
a variety of climate, Covid, Putin, poor planning
real world situations.
The better course would be to encourage
investment in bringing the desired goods to
the shelves with sufficient competition to assure
low prices and high quality options.
True love is a state of grace.
It can’t be earned, or bought.
Not following some proselytizer, I am
simply looking at the facts, and expressing
what is obvious.
Uranus/Mars/NN Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius
Pulling the trigger on manifesting long built matters
(Venus sextile  - Women uprise)
Don’t let the yearn for perfect obstruct a chance at
better than we had – time is nature’s way of allowing
for accretion.
People ...
can’t avoid ‘em?  ignore ‘em
Set your sight on your own goals
and amusements.
Learn the difference between snark and information.
it's so sad, even insane, that we seem to have this
war of the haves against the have nots
We do our best to be the workers and consumers
they need to keep up profits, but they treat us
more like sadist entertainment
the thing is, political parties (warned against by
the Founding Fathers) are not public goods but
private enterprises based on soliciting funds
however by now we've screwed up our method
of political representation catering to these parties
so to get what we care about done, we have to work
with the party system, while also working to get out of it


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