Friday, July 8, 2022

serious citizenry


We can’t count on superior weapons
We need superior strategies --
to develop and effectively use
knowledge as power.
There would be no advantage to money
in politics if citizens did our jobs of
self-educating, together educating,
so we know the backgrounds, positions,
experience and values of candidates, ideally
chose those candidates because we were
in the know, because we cared to develop
the knowledge and can’t be swayed by
slick ads, pricey propaganda.
People don’t like to take responsibility
We prefer to give our responsibilities
away, and complain
the people we gave it to are doing it wrong.
We do not have a real representative government
for the people who feel powerless because we do
not do the necessary organizing, education, adapting
and expansion, spending far too much of our time
and energy complaining without considering
what we can do, how we can gather and decide
and divide the work to find, promote, elect,
support and keep honest real representatives.
stop abdicating democracy in this relentless
blame/complain/skew/throw up your hands in defeat
the REASON these people rule against The People is
The People aren't doing our part to self-rule!
anger wants violent, quick solutions
better to turn to a slow burn and fuel long-term
thinking, organizing from where we are to how
to get to where we want to be
overwhelming emotion, seeming ubiquitous
attacks -- slow now, breathe deeply, seek calm
and that wise voice of reason, of flowing resolve,
of reaching to hold, to find and befriend 
our true home
if you abdicate your power of self-rule you will
be ruled by the power of the selfish -- lose the
wings and find the people who have the abilities
and values to take back our country
but we do need to be realistic in such trepidatious
days and vote in the best of who is immediately
available, and to play the long game better than those
who have been using our abdication against us


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