Sunday, August 15, 2021

August Ides


If we get rid of the bullies,
the rest of us can figure it out --
And there will be a lot less to figure.
could it be that the anti-vax crowd is
hoping/planning that the mutations
will overcome the vaccines for their
self-fulfilling prophecies?
seems to me most gun control issues
are stupidity issues -- the stupidity of thinking
it so much more important to have unfettered
access to firearms of any type than to put
reasonable safety policies in effect.
News in the background, I was just
randomly reminiscing and realized
when I was growing up, learning how
the world works, my knowledge of "race"
was that people designated "Negro" were
far too often horrendously and unjustly treated
because of ignorant prejudices sent down
from the Civil War.  These injustices were
obviously in need of righting.  People do not deserve
bad treatment, bullying, being murdered, being
unjustly imprisoned, because some other people
who happen to have the power feel like being
monsters.  This is the basis of my understanding,
and of the people I have been close to or worked
with politically.  How is it not the understanding
of us all?
Martyrs to Covid -- offering their
(and others') lives that the virus might thrive
I get it!  It’s that vile guilt for
bringing children into this horrid world
you have not made better, or
children you did not want, didn’t
properly care for, made suffer for your
faults.  You need a creed to dissuade
that guilt.  To make it not you who could
have prevented that suffering but didn’t.
Abortion must be such a heinous sin,
impossible to contemplate.
And if it is such a sin, we can not
countenance it in our milieu.  It must be
clearly the kind of sin we call crime.
Don’t bother me with your anti-vax
rationales.  I have no desire to interfere
with your suicide.
That normalization trance
doesn’t work on you.
And you desperately want to
know how to make it.


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