Friday, May 14, 2021

meditation and madness


slowly, gently,
like a meditation or guided fantasy,
take many long, deep looks at your life,
how experiences have felt, where relationships
have led, what calls to you to complete or
begin, what has meaning, what feels good,
where does your mind go when you go to a
place of escape and restoration. 
Now, read some good science fiction and
think about how a future could be created.
tolerating is not the same as condoning
or encouraging or embracing -- it is just
admitting the reality of what is in our
world and figuring out how to deal with
that without violence
Why do we obfuscate our common rules
in elite jargon, legalese, when rationally
what we need is profound fairness of
I think the emphasis on competition
as we grow and learn how to navigate
the social world would cause many to feel
resentful of any perceived advantage to
those we see in competition with us
for the good stuff.
So many seem to prefer a loathsome view
of humanity, warring savage slaves to greed
and casual meanness. 
I tend to say:  All people suck. 
But, not all the time and some more than others. 
There is that but that can encompass great
kindness, opening to lively adventure based on
joyful celebration of our communion. 
What empowers the positive regard, uplifting,
diminishes the cruel and mean?
why do so many people hate their lives so much
and refuse to make them better
instead sending their hate outward?
when Earth no longer sustains human life,
what are you going to buy/who are you going
to rule/where are you going to be?
Stop encouraging those working to oppose
our essential values.  Stop acting like their
work is of value to our world.
Cowardly lazy liars
to convince themselves
they are the virtuous


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