Friday, January 15, 2021


 Become calm

and see what occurs.
Reality has a liberal bias, or rather
today's so-called conservatives (unrecognizable
as such to people with traditional
conservative values) have an anti-reality bias.
the deficit boogeyman is a rightwing framing to give
talking points against pro-people policies which they
conveniently forget when they want a war or useful
pork to please their base
I admit to often framing arguments for policies
 I support as within conservative values on the theory
that conservatives would be more likely to agree --
however we have now been seeing that these people
are not conservatives and have no values beyond
power to torture those they don't like
(no matter their ignorant reasons)
Evil people doing evil for evil reasons,
making excuses for acts that can't be
excused by citing evil  myths.
I don't know what is,
what is real or pervading fantasy,
or what I will to be to fulfill
my spirit's fate.
Invading memories, causative chains
forged, chopped into phases, into
seasons of fractured days,
desperate nights, no tether or other,
to hear and listen, extend friendly ear,
sustained, clear peel.
There was a time.
There was a girl without fixed identity.
There was yearning,
not for sex or fame, but adventure.
So much out there
to touch, to understand or feel.
It's not about identity -- what does that
even mean?
It's the touch, the taste, the odor bound
the mystic dance day by day.
Can I take the chance to tell you?
Can I trust you to be kind?  In touch,
mind to mind without fear or
competition?  There was a time I believed
in fellow man, or humanity
the wise.
It's not just an outlet we feel compelled
to by circumstance -- we come to hate,
feel rage justified by potent fantasy
of revenge.
"Free Speech" is apparently now code
for rightwing rhetoric.  On social media
it means:  applaud all of our talking points
or be mercilessly attacked.  Orwellian?
Covid masks are face condoms for preventing
breath-transmitted disease.
Caught up in the crowd, so warm.
Encompassing all rage and fear --
safe home violent mob,
carrying cloud
outside this wicked world
enclosed within.
Is Trump the embodiment of an
American God?
The essence of sin
is not badness, evil,
deserving of punishment.
The punishment is the sin --
separation from bliss.
Redemption is not restitution
but reclamation of soul wholeness
in eternal love, self-embodiment
of perfection.
Legal weed
Broadband TV
Heat/air conditioning to be
reasonably comfortable despite
the climate.
Enough food to keep from feeling
Access to medical repair when ill.
A basic background to live our lives,
to find our roles, our voices.
To open wide lungs and minds,
make considered choices, self-defining.

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