Friday, January 29, 2021

mental revolution


If we honestly care
about making change, we need
to commit to learn what can be
done, how, and do the work at the
level available.
Having tantrums is not meaningfully
making a difference.
Have you considered that the person
you oppose may be perceiving from
a different point of view, which,
without scientific exploration of outcomes
based on each, may potentially be as
valid as yours -- or maybe the truth
is between, or somewhere else.
When conservatives (so-called)
have power, they don't offer unity.
They punish those with whom they
disagree or project as "not us"
and therefore Enemy.
Punishment is all they understand.
No questioning the costs of war,
large or small -- military weapons
their proof of strength.
You say children (strangers about whom
you have no real knowledge) need saving
from traffickers.  How many actual children
have you saved or helped in any way?
Traffickers mostly target children who have
no one to protect them -- runaways,
throwaways, alone and desperate.  These
kids are on the streets of most cities.
How are you helping them to get safe
places to go, people who care?
What are you doing that you, personally,
can do for them or children in your town
who are in need?
Or do you only like the idea of saving
children because it gives you friends,
a social bubble to protect you from
loneliness or powerlessness, to give
you a mythology to believe?
conspiracy theories as such are no more
dangerous than any fantasy -- and like any
fantasy they become a source of danger
when their fans so break from reality
that they are unconcerned with actual
social codes that seek to control violence
I have quite recently been starting to look into
the vagus nerve as an emotion moderator and
possible treatments for autoimmune
inflammatory disorders. 
I have been experimenting with those long, deep
breaths and a "become calm" mantra, and
becoming calmer, more focused and I guess saner.
a village raising a child, planning for agriculture,
sharing information and education,
dealing with disagreements and fights,
these are all governance
Government is not any particular model but
the ways we develop to live civilly in society.
obviously these people have no idea how
this country is organized to be run, and don't
care because they don't want an organized
social responsibility but only attention and 
capitulation paid to their ad hoc tantrums

Friday, January 22, 2021



How can we "ask for help" when
trust has become impossible.
No secure core of responsibility,
will to truth.  Poison fruit of amoral
post-modern tree.  So cynical, unwilling
to be alive, really feel, heal, grow.
Blatant disrespect doesn't come from
a place of strength, but bravado.
It's easier to remember what and how
when we understand why.
Humanity in all our complexity,
all our simplicity,
animals to preprogrammed machines.
mythology on the public stage for us all to experience as reality:
"The foundation myth is believed to have been reenacted every other year during the Agrionia. Here the women of Thebes were organized into three dance groups and rushed off to Mount Cithaeron with ritual cries of “to the mountain!” As “mad women,” they pursued and killed, perhaps by dismemberment (sparagmos), the ‘king’, possibly represented by a goat. The #maenads may have eaten the meat of the goat raw (omophagia) or sacrificed it to Dionysus. Eventually the women would be freed from the madness and return to Thebes and their usual lives, but for the time of the festival they would have had an intense ecstatic experience. The Agrionia was celebrated in several Greek cities, but especially in Boeotia. Each Boeotian city had its own distinct foundation myth for it, but the pattern was much the same: the arrival of Dionysus, resistance to him, flight of the women to a mountain, the killing of Dionysus’ persecutor, and eventual reconciliation with the god.”
I have recently (NY magic?) been experimenting with the mantra:  Become calm
It's not a command to gain calmness but to find myself as one with calmness.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021


 Peruse, consume data impressions.

Swish them within to feed intuition.
If social reality is what we
agree to agree to, we are living in
different realities.
How can we coordinate?
Rather than hold back in fear of
what they might say, twisting our
words against us, tell the truth and
expose their lack of good faith.
Spoiled overgrown children having
a mass tantrum of ecstatic violence.[Sabian, Maenad?]

Friday, January 15, 2021


 Become calm

and see what occurs.
Reality has a liberal bias, or rather
today's so-called conservatives (unrecognizable
as such to people with traditional
conservative values) have an anti-reality bias.
the deficit boogeyman is a rightwing framing to give
talking points against pro-people policies which they
conveniently forget when they want a war or useful
pork to please their base
I admit to often framing arguments for policies
 I support as within conservative values on the theory
that conservatives would be more likely to agree --
however we have now been seeing that these people
are not conservatives and have no values beyond
power to torture those they don't like
(no matter their ignorant reasons)
Evil people doing evil for evil reasons,
making excuses for acts that can't be
excused by citing evil  myths.
I don't know what is,
what is real or pervading fantasy,
or what I will to be to fulfill
my spirit's fate.
Invading memories, causative chains
forged, chopped into phases, into
seasons of fractured days,
desperate nights, no tether or other,
to hear and listen, extend friendly ear,
sustained, clear peel.
There was a time.
There was a girl without fixed identity.
There was yearning,
not for sex or fame, but adventure.
So much out there
to touch, to understand or feel.
It's not about identity -- what does that
even mean?
It's the touch, the taste, the odor bound
the mystic dance day by day.
Can I take the chance to tell you?
Can I trust you to be kind?  In touch,
mind to mind without fear or
competition?  There was a time I believed
in fellow man, or humanity
the wise.
It's not just an outlet we feel compelled
to by circumstance -- we come to hate,
feel rage justified by potent fantasy
of revenge.
"Free Speech" is apparently now code
for rightwing rhetoric.  On social media
it means:  applaud all of our talking points
or be mercilessly attacked.  Orwellian?
Covid masks are face condoms for preventing
breath-transmitted disease.
Caught up in the crowd, so warm.
Encompassing all rage and fear --
safe home violent mob,
carrying cloud
outside this wicked world
enclosed within.
Is Trump the embodiment of an
American God?
The essence of sin
is not badness, evil,
deserving of punishment.
The punishment is the sin --
separation from bliss.
Redemption is not restitution
but reclamation of soul wholeness
in eternal love, self-embodiment
of perfection.
Legal weed
Broadband TV
Heat/air conditioning to be
reasonably comfortable despite
the climate.
Enough food to keep from feeling
Access to medical repair when ill.
A basic background to live our lives,
to find our roles, our voices.
To open wide lungs and minds,
make considered choices, self-defining.

Friday, January 8, 2021



Engage with art to inspire

what I desire to say, and how I

might say it.

Don't deny what you see because
others do (don't).  Trust your
eyes (but verify objectively).
It's not about not alienating potential
allies, but seeking and connecting with
people with similar values and goals
regardless of "identity."
You complainers, social agitators
without social conscience, uprising
(or saying you will) against governance
combatting a deadly, infectious disease
-- yes, I know, it's all a hoax that people
are gravely ill, dying but even the survivors
 often now face chronic serious conditions.
Yes, you suffer financially.  So get off your
lazy ass and find other means to get by.
No job was guaranteed to you for life.
People are always getting laid off in
economic downturns for that business.
Find other jobs,  get together with those
nearby to create community cooperatives
to keep everybody going.  Call/write your
representatives (federal and state) constantly,
demanding aid.  Apply for all the social services
you have a right to, join with groups who advocate
for what you need.  Stop wasting everybody's energy
in angry blaming and complaint.  Be useful, be
thoughtful, be better days.

Monday, January 4, 2021


 We learn to do what we have to do to be able to

do what we desire and need to do --
that is life.
Learning, not trying --
going through the process
to know how rather than
merely making attempts.
It’s not that caucasian Americans without means
are privileged – it’s that we are unfairly advantaged
in many areas of socio-economic life.
“Privilege always felt like the wrong word --
more to evoke outrage than to explain the situation.
People too willfully ignorant to take care
of themselves ought not be making policy.
that word "economy" -- I don't think it means
what they think it means
Our economy is just all the transactions, the trading,
manufacturing, farming, building, every socially
manifested thing we do to take care of ourselves
and express our values
Back to basics
Back to ancient fables,
blood rituals,
terrible fate, utter surrender,
in ecstatic frenzy,
because, because, because – not
a fragile, precious human --
we can only be
as we believe
we are allowed.
What is this shadow play
we call our lives? Not who, how, why.
those imply full-fleshed stories;
clasping hands, dilating eyes,
the skin that binds us as kin or kindness;
slaps and hugs – miraculous touch
bridging connection, physical and
essential metaphor.