Friday, September 25, 2020

evening 2020

 I don't need a Lord to rule over me.

I want Goddesses to co-create and invigorate
Spread ridiculously mean Trump "fact"
memes (like:  Trump eats Christian infants --
and you thought that was fried chicken)
When questioned, respond:
I don't live in your silly little confirmation-based
Living could have been so much more
for all of them, back then --
and if they had been those people
so alive,
would we have foregone this mess today?
Don't cynically ascribe
our hard fight, long fought,
organizing, advertising, screaming,
whispering, whimpering,
as we hope will be heard,
daring to sacrifice what might
otherwise be our lives to fight
absurd, recursive violence
that persists despite outraged
Don't reduce these morals
of mortality to right/left
politics as usual, fake news or
skewed, that obfuscates our
bleeding reality.

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