Friday, February 7, 2020

for the people

It's as if we have an investment in
decrying a divided nation,
in spreading this myth.
Our nation, our individual people
of course go to our corners to throw out
insults when threatened by direct assault
from determined foes.
But generally, we are far too caught up
in our own dramas and comedies to see
ourselves as warring tribes.
Silly me to believe finding my tribe
meant people I feel at ease with,
sharing our common affinities -- a cozy,
loving home to grow in
far from zones of aggravation
or war drum culture.
When in doubt, ask questions --
why assume
intuition will come through?
No matter how elaborate the plan,
keep it flexible to accommodate reality
and change.
It's not about being right,
getting credit,
but encouraging the grand conversation
toward a better eventual now.


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