Friday, December 13, 2019

stop fighting

Freedom is fundamentally not financial.
It is the overarching value of human dignity
thus that each of us has the right and responsibility
to be and express who we are.
It’s not so much our take, our diatribic hate
around specific issues,
but who or what we trust.
Who put those demeaning words in
your head?
Who are you so desperately trying to please,
to the point of destroying yourself?
Stop fighting!
Ceasefire, Mutually Assured Truce.
Hold a  moment of focus:
Look at your prize.
See your reward so clearly,
stillpoint of unfettered success.
Who have you become in this elation?
What does your future foretell?
Absorb and admire this most fervent vision.
Worlds of Truth are built from valiant visions.
Spending our vital energies fighting,
destroying, dying
take us from what could be
our lives.


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