Saturday, April 27, 2019

on purpose

I create and find, to share, ideas/information/art
The end can never justify the means
if that means is evil. 
For one, that imagined blessing might not manifest.
And if it does, evil means make evil ever easier.
It may feel good to march chanting in the streets,
raising banners, waving fists at the Them,
getting thrown in jail in solidarity.
Yes, the solidarity, the many moving together,
united action helps to bond.
But to achieve, to make change, to form
caring communities that never end, we need to
get together to brainstorm and support
each individual’s growth in vision, share ideas,
criticize with love, do the associative work that
creates interactive progress from individuals,
small groups, local politics and media, regional,
national, worldwide as practical plans emerge,
evolve, disseminate.
Pay attention to obstacles – they have stories.
Bullies put down
those perceived as better
to feel power.
To think, to dream
to become aware of amazing ideas
and histories, art that speaks to me,
tells me stories that surprise with
deep emotion.
to an uncaring world
Been there/done that
to death (and beyond,
perhaps in metaphor)
Not a good strategy.
Time (what is time,
but a metaphor?) slipping,
turning thin and translucent
to realign.
I have always depended on
Worlds, phrases, moonshine and insane
displays of disarray coalesce into poetry
that nobody cares to share their time,
or eyes or minds – not in tune with
who they are.
It’s not that I ever belonged, but strayed
or was transfigured by ugly quakes of fate.
No glowing past to regain or admire.
What I have exceeds my desire.


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