Saturday, January 19, 2019

peaking over Saturn's wall

peaking over Saturn's wall
Do we? Live like undead slaves?
Do we only move as directed, never dance freely in a whirling wind;
never touch finger to foreign finger for a thrill of acceptance?
Never savor music within assimilated from exhausted nights
swirled into revelation?
Such solemn vibration lingering warm and sweet.
Reach into balance within limits of room, laws of motion, draw of elation.
Nothing is sacred; all is permitted; the going is ridiculous?
Which of the plagues, weapons, increments of Earth destruction, cataclysmic storms,
nuclear heck, submission to fantasy starving for money, or even more fantastic
lapse of sanity will we choose?
Do we go through changes in values, ideas, aging, reremembering?
People enmeshed in self-destruction, species-destruction, world destruction: whoopee! We’re all gonna die, and ain’t it grand!
We made this mess and refuse responsibility.  
People who believe in the plan of their god ought to realize that all this mass migration among humanity just now is about homogenizing us,
making us neighbors in a community of every kind of human being to end these false divisions. 
In a time of potential self-genocide we need to get together to save our species
 -- this is the Judgment some religious have been preaching and awaiting.
sexism, racism, colorism, ageism, ableism, classism, casteism, 
any ism that teaches us fellow humans are our superiors or inferiors, are essentially the same ism
– that abstraction that tells us we can order living beings into static categories the better to lash out
with shame/blame/rage/violence rather than look to our own living beingness and tell our most wonderful stories.
Imaginal sketches
of people (places, things)
who inspire remembrance
Give the people what they want
at a cost they can really afford
get rich without becoming evil.
Everyone sucks
but not all the time
and some much more than most
so we each need to decide
what level of suckage we accept
from ourselves
and each other.
Don’t miss this chance to let them know
“I love you” when you can.
Even when the words won’t pass your breath,
jump to hug, gently caress a’smile.
If the worst, they back aghast,
at least in the end you know
they mattered.

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