Monday, November 5, 2018

plot twists

Will we want to remember this 6th
of November?
If so, with what lessons or shame?
Did you side with the effort to revive
freedom’s ember,
or take yourself out of the game?
People who delight in killing.
Brothers in violence,
Our strength is our hatred.
What frightens must die.
See!  Look!  StevenPinker everything’s better but
contrary Man to counterbalance manifests
ever more noxious, more toxic, accelerate hate
and grotesque excessiveness.
Some neuro diversity
expels belief in duality.
No black and white
No woman or man
no bi-normality.
Yin and Yang – a beautiful mandate,
separate while together – but not a
universal whole --
only a small part of the argument,
out of context.
What we are is not a conformity,
an average, a demographic map.
What we are is ever evolving to adapt,
to create new paradigmatic opportunities,
expand understanding, imagine and become
more than before.


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