Friday, July 6, 2018

sifting water ways

promoting divisionary hate
is not the province of the heart,
or the mind, or of the skin,
but of the asshole
All these lonely people,
dying of suffocation in empty space --
why do we not connect,
create the vital oxygen of interplay?
why cry within and strike outward to defend,
excluding friendship by category or default?
Admit!  We want to be alone
(left to our own devices)
not required to compromise or deal with
their annoying tics, or mellow mine.
Everybody knows that love, touch, commitment
to community is our primal responsibility,
to promise health, wealth, social vitality.
Better to blame – Oh, I’m so lonely,
so bereft of soulful understanding I sit here crying
for all eternity ...
What do you do?
It’s not tribal – it’s brainwashed in propaganda from
elites with an agenda to control.
Real tribes arise naturally
constellations of family, close community based on
familiarity, commonalities called roles, relationships,
dance rhythms of daily life.
Take your hate
turn it around into
love for you
no need to waste
that emotive energy
stomping others down
for you to rise
into your own
highest place of view
You need a plan:
Where you want to be and where you are
now standing
small, incremental, beautifully illustrated steps
easy enough to reach and celebrate each success,
then on to the next;
flexible enough to accommodate shifting conditions,
focused and strong enough to carry you along.


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