Friday, April 6, 2018

politics and frolic mix

Humanity’s fatal flaws:
disorganized and lazy
Old, eroding
rock to sand
more easily blown into waves,
carried to oblivion
Everyone has their stories,
and they are fascinating.
So much more fun, entertaining
than spewing hate or scorn
The strategy of trolls/bots to engage emotions
drains energy from positive engagement with politics
why give them what they expect to evoke
go to a place of good humor, or best response:
We do disservice to science by thinking it as a noun
Science is a verb (and isn’t that the functional difference
between Science verb and Religion noun
Science is not a thing but a series of movements
explore, observe, think, theorize, analyze – always moving
while religions are about sticking to traditions,
remembering with rituals, being bounded by our past
The 2nd Amendment says nothing about loading,
shooting, using arms for any kind of violence
We have every right to figure out and form appropriate
regulations that address everyone’s rights to live
Remember, regulations are not some random gasps
of power from on high.  We as a community develop
regulations in response to complaints, perceived
problems we want to solve.  We can all take part,
with thoughtfulness and mutual respect, in
self-governance that we can all live within.
-- in response to March for Our Lives
Speak, disagree,
disrespect totally, with malice,
disvaluement of what I know
I will think you ignorant and mean,
not worth my time or thought
Speak, even disagreeing, respectfully
as someone explaining what you know,
I want to hear you, to consider your
differing experience,
to  learn from you a bigger world
Innovative inspiration
new views
unusual travel suggestions
turning, moving to changing tunes
becoming new words, new worlds
Democratic Socialists
government needs to be
the people’s employee,
not our god
When the legitimate expressing of emotional
energy are sex and war,
we feel entitled to explode.
What if we truly valued kindness, creative
resilience, mutual care
so idealized humanity
what if
passionate imagining
who could we be
but why would we bother
we prove daily what we are
to hate we must be superior --
worthy of such judgment
love feels vulnerable --
dependence on another’s fate.


Posted by: "Laurie"


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