Friday, September 1, 2017

race of humanity

whenever one ascribes to race what is really just ignorance and projection, one is perpetuating racism
all lives matter (or not, depending on your philosophy)
yes, I understand the desire of people who are suffering for a false dichotomy to want to be heard, acknowledged as suffering, healed by retributive justice
but you are perpetuating racism every time you do not take the opportunity to make clear that people acting badly is not about the race or the gender or the identity or the ethnicity or any other attribute of those acted against, but is entirely about the bad actors
"white supremacy" only exists because we honor it
people say shit/do shit all the time
we would do better to treat them as what they are:  undifferentiated bullies unworthy of honor
Stop telling us we are racist
There is no such thing as racism or sexism
These are only socially acceptable excuses for putting people in boxes marked "not me" into which to pour our self-loathing
I think it is counterproductive to attempt to instill guilt and inculcate an assumption of privilege based on race.  The real privilege is based on the conveniences of wealth.  Better that we instill a presumption of respect for all of us, that we may speak freely of our own experiences and work together for a world we can all be privileged to inhabit
“Because there isn’t that culture of collective care..."
instead we have many mini cultures of mutual dis-care
we seem to think it is so important to divide ourselves into interest groups without the eyes to see that it is in all of our best interest to care for each other
if All lives matter, if even only Blacklivesmatter (because we gotta get our material back from those slavers -- and what about today's slavers who don't limit by race? --) the important part of mattering is to matter to each other as fellow travelers on this mortal plain instead of pre-creating Hell through meanness, cruelty, indifference, war
concentrating on whiteness/blackness is focusing on problems, not possibilities
we each have limited energy/resources with which to make a difference in the world that matters to us
the world is moving too rapidly, too many moving parts, today for giving over our resources to recriminations
yes, understand that there has been a long political tradition of divisiveness, that a great many of us have been wounded (many killed) for reasons that have nothing to do with reason
but don't stay stagnated in blame
find real work that needs doing, that progresses our collective world viewed

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