Sunday, June 13, 2010

Like a Pan of Stone

Like a Pan of stone,
ensorcelled, cast in pain
from home in mystic plains.
Immortal held below 
mundane sky.
Mercurial phase.
Experience teaches as recitation
never will.
Solitary sojourn.
Search cascading stills,
divine signs.
I fish for gutter snipes,
smoke to assuage hunger.
Haven't you?
Silly me, to contradict
your view.
When we met, I was still
so new.
Practice willful skills to habit.
Mindfully design impeccable spells.
Immerse in scintillating tidbits,
encrypted tones of Temple bells.
Silly Buddha tricks
are for kids, who sell
services for circuses.
This phase relaxes -- sings out for fun
Enjoy!  The next track looms ahead.
Stone bases crack, licked by the Sun,
Spirit dishonoured as dead
Glorious battles can start
in an era of heart.
Glorious peace can be found
in an era of mind.
Stories absorbed in the womb of man
in the day to day,
cast an unconscious play.
Until the Covenant is broken.
Astronished, stone breathes, alive.
Mature, Pan, self-freed, grieves
lost time. 

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