Friday, May 31, 2024

free communication


My answers are only for myself, and I am fairly powerless. What I can do is think, speak, interact, ask questions, look for better methods, look for the people "who are getting it done" and see if we can become a people instead of a bunch of mobs. What I don't have to do is depend on private groups with their own agenda to do my job as a citizen. We, if we are a democracy, are meant to do the work, do the educating, find and develop people with the skills and will to be real representatives with the interests of each and all of us in mind and heart.

What about you? What will you do? 

I am about ready to dive inward and forget about the rest of you. 

I kind of get Florida -- I mean after all these years of

Florida Man degradation -- but what is WRONG with


Why do the bullies win?

Because they are happy to be violent.

We need to figure out how to prevail

while remaining ourselves.

Christian in Name Only -- CHINO

Maybe it can start with conversations

among our friends, our neighbors,

the people we live among, about what

we can and are willing to do, and for

what vision or plan.  Maybe we can

figure out among ourselves how we want

to be governed, and by who.

For the IDF, the killing of 

Palistinian women and childre is the

feature, not the flaw.  But they can't

too obviously admit that because

it is so clearly genocide.

I hate you

You hate us

We cut with words, ridicule,


Is this how we resolve real issues,

experiential differences?

Is layer on layer of enmity a path

to friendly understanding, empathy,

finding common needs to explore

togetherr how to meet?

We demand our free expression.

But what about free exchange --

the freedom to listen attentively

accommodate a wider view.

Condemnation to point out bad

behavior is fine, desirable

But once those issues are clear,

condemnation becomes a distraction

from finding how to inculcate best


What is Conservative about understanding

the purpose of power to be telling others

what they may or may not do?  It does

seem more Progressive to understand the

purpose of power to be getting worthwhile

projects done.

I don't know where to start.

I had no idea you were a Putin stooge,

probably there is nothing I can say

if you are that twisted.

A god experiencing an ordinary life

in human disguise.

Exhilaration, I know your heart,

your music


Friday, May 24, 2024

what say you?


if the citizens of a democracy were doing their due diligence within the firm understanding that they are their government, there would be no separate entity "government" to oppose.  There would be people working out what they need and how to make the world they want to live in.  There would be power hungry narcissists, but they would be easily shouted down by the people who understand the politics of power and the difference between power over others and power to achieve our common goals.  The education necessary for well-informed citizenry would be an underlying given, including frequent practice of problem-solving through democratic means.

the thing is, with politicians, there should never have been such an industry.  Democracy is not about top-down ambitious salesfolk raising exorbitant funds to tell us to put them in power.  We were meant to care enough about our self-governance to find the people who rise up as leaders, who know how to put into words what we want to say, and imbue them with our trust to, with others from other regions, do the daily due diligence of governance. 

somehow so many people seem to believe we need to say harsh words, act horribly to people with characteristics we or our social group has designated unhealthy or just "not normal" -- as if such antagonistic behavior will somehow make the situation better.  It does not.  In fact this bullying behavior is what makes life so much harder, even unbearable, for people who are already struggling, and people who would not be struggling if not for being made to believe they are "wrong"

Biden is not guilty of genocide.  Biden is guilty of living in a mindset developed in earlier days when supporting Israel was a matter of faith and responsibility.  In this situation he has been doing what he believes is his best to convince the true genocide perpetrator, Netanyahu, to stop this madness -- but Bibi won't, and a large contingent of Americans are avidly pro-Israel for a variety of reasons.  That large contingent is also included as  part of the US Congress, which actually has the authority to give the aid or refuse to give it.  They say they will impeach Biden for not following their mandate to support Israel by stalling or denying weapons.  It's more complicated than click bait.

it seems like somehow a great many of us have decided we are the arbiters of others' behaviors, lives.  And cruel arbiters, who must be harsh to make these others be as they demand.  This does not seem to me like a good way to live.  Better to let go of this nasty responsibility and be kind.

We let our chance for this election

season go by without finding a POTUS

candidate we can hopefully, optimistically,

feel good about raising up into that

leadership role.  Let's not waste more time.

Let's do the search with due diligence, find

those with appropriate credentials of will,

intelligence, experience, kind regard.

We claim we want to live as a democracy.

Let's do the job of an active electorate.

Chinese housing overflow

Brought to house American homeless

Oh, my Transporter!

Make it so.

Of course you need someone to blame.

Evil!  So nothing you can do but properly

vilify, because, you know, the only

permissible emotion is Hate.

You rise up in umbrage that your

self-reasoned differing from some

common opinion is not respected as

you feel you deserve.  Yet I see the wave

around what you claim is yours, or simple

common sense, of Putin's talking points.


Tuesday, May 7, 2024

as if sane


Violence propagates the use and acceptance of violence.  We can be better than that.  We can protest as we choose (it's a protest, not a thing we ask permission for), and show who we are without violence and with strong-willed determination, persistence, creativity, mutual education, self and mutual respect, what we want to mean by "love".

clearly it's the mainstream media that doesn't bother to acquire a clue

(or maybe they have gone so far over to A.I. that it's all algorithmic instead of reportage)

Democracy, government by the People, is only as good as the majority of participants

I'm all for political reform -- but not in the midst of a crucial nation-changing election when we need to be very clear about the outcome we can live with

if we get through this crisis as a democracy, it will be high time to get out there and make it better with political actors who are ready and able to work for the actual people

I pick my side -- the ones who don't like the fighting and want everyone to get together and party like it's post-Armageddon and we're all done with that crap.

the thing is, Joe Biden is a decent guy who believes in democracy.  That doesn't mean he doesn't get things wrong.  There are no perfect people.  And, he sees himself as the President for all the people, many of whom are pro-Israel.  It is not as simple as right and wrong.  We know what Netanyahu is doing is horribly wrong.  Many people in this world do horribly wrong to others.  People are made unnecessarily miserable all over.  There are actions we as people can take -- protests, aid, education of ourselves and others, creatively engaging in whatever ways we know how.  However, not voting for Biden in November against Trump would not end well for anyone.  Supporting Biden, now that we don't seem to have anyone else to run on the Democratic ticket, is the only sane option.

Do I have these translations correctly:

Left = take care of the people

Right = keep the rich getting richer

Capitalism does not require Democracy

Democracy does not require Capitalism

Democracy can accommodate any

economic system the People embrace.

Capitalists get along best with pro-profit


I don't want to sell anything

I do promote ideas -- not for money

-- as it own goal.

Politics of Hate -- sounds like a title

There is no control

Because we are post-reality

Where nothing can possibly matter

So, we may as well relax,

Let go

You know that old saying:

Those who insist it can't be done

need to stay out of the way of those

who are doing it.

I want to meet the people who are

doing it, learn your stories.

It's not about control,

but working together

to find our common goals.

What can be done?

Bit by bit, then all at once

The big work product dependent on

the bit by bit building.

