Friday, December 29, 2023

to feel meaningful


There are people so meaningful,

we need to feel meaningful to


And that is more important

than anything --

if we are so privileged.

Those aghast at efforts to keep

candidate Trump off their

state's ballots -- have you asked

or otherwise sought to find out


We who see Trump as a serious

dangerous threat to our rights and

rule of law are alwaybs being told

to work to understand the pro-Trump

advocates.  You, too, have the

responsibility as Americans to work

to understand others' views.

If you tend to identify iconoclastic,

bristle against restrictions, like to

find uncommon solutions, defy

authority, you will not do well

in a "great leader" nation.

Authoritarianism may well prove


People claim to be pro-life?

Ask them:  do you eat meat?

If you work because it is work you

believe needs doing, you want others

to take up the work, maybe do it

better.  If you work for money, you

want to corner the market, drive

out any competent competition.

Saturday, December 16, 2023

dreaming a season of Peace


we need to create and promote a national project to educate and inspire the People to demand democratic rule for our common benefit -- it takes work and commitment, which seem to be out of favor

we need to fully fund so many projects to improve our lives, health, interactions, ability to thrive

we need to reassess our attitudes toward money and use it as it is meant to be, to account for the use of resources so we may more easily trade our skills to do what we best could for all 

the truth is we are not Republicans or Democrats

We are people with hugely varying experience, ideas, values and cohorts

We are a species that needs to gather with others of our kind, and so create these labels to pretend those who we attach to them are the same.

remember democracy?  where we get to debate our positions, look for the people who would best represent us, the whole competition aspect through which we find and refine our best options?  This is well before the big day (days with early voting), when we ought to be searching far and near for the very best -- not cementing ourselves in a "safe" place which is anything but

dreaming a season of peace

I understand you are concerned

about those who threaten, who

hate your group, because they are

threatening you.  Understand,

your real group is humankind.

The threat is people who enjoy

violent bullying, who feed on hate.

We don't just need a Not Trump

for our future US leader.  We

need ab experienced, intelligent,

calm, resourceful, compassionate,

charismatic representative of our

best values to bring us forward

through vastly complex troubled


Who do you see?

Can the underlying rationale to

criminalize abortion be for some

Christian Nationalists a means of

depleting the Black American

population?  So many Black women

die in childbirth, both removing

them and their reproductive future.

There is no better world to aspire

to or find

We can devise our Earthly

lives to be kind.

Christian Nationalists are 

pro-Zionist while viciously


Develop, create, spread inspiring

excitement -- let a thousand

progressive projects bloom!

Understand, results may be

incremental, at times imperceptible,

until a tipping point brings another

leap forward.

Protest outside the offices of the

people who have the power to 

make the desired difference.

Call them by name, and demand

they meet with the group's

representatives, live streamed.

Make sure to have knowledgeable,

persuasive representatives.

This in the US is not inflation.

Dollars are not worth less.

Rather, prices are "inflated"

regardless of the actual costs to

manufacture and distribute


Maybe the problem is that what

the People want is not democracy,

but the pomp and glitter of

aristocracy.  The Hunger Games

type society, where the poor are

made useful as brutal entertainment,

the wealthy privileged are entitled

as the ruling class.


Friday, December 1, 2023

expand the conversation


Even if it is not the love you seek, you think

would save you or that you deserve,

it means someone was touched enough

by you to create love

we have a two-party system not 

because there are two parties, but 

because the electoral system has 

been set up to promote that

Ranked choice would allow people 

to break out of the party trap and 

see the benefits of other kinds of 


Campaign finance reform can best 

be handled by making money in politics 

less relevant -- having other models to 

create and promote candidates

all it would take is a great deal of work 

and dedication

How about promoting Ranked

Choice (or STAR) voting so

we can see what candidates the

people really want, not just who

they are voting against.

Our planet is falling apart

Don't you see?

How can you keep any

confidence in "business as


Hate Trump?  Do what you

can to help those he attacks.

Fight back and win.  Make

him look weak, not worthy of

fear or following.

Why express our overwhelmed

emotions and the solutions

we may contemplate within

the public page?

In all this chaos and confusion,

how will it even be heard (seen)?

Or, if barely heard, cared about

enough to share, how could

it make a difference?

This is an added voice to the vast

conversation, another breeze

to sway evolving trends, another

resonance among the rest that

creates our collective song.

Maybe not enough to make

clear and present change for

better.  But at least that strand is

there to be seen, heard, advanced

-- which its absence would


Woman - defined by what is done

to us, unwarranted limitations.

Understand, your bad-mouthing,

extreme agitation, will not compel

people to change their decided votes.

You may instead help to convince

them to participate less in this

unsatisfactory political system.

To promote democracy, encourage

freer exercise, civil debate, idea

proliferation, more diverse candidates

to provide an ever wider possibility

of excellent representation and


If you are so concerned that your

guy needs to win, make your case,

show how your guy is best not

just for you, but for us all,, and

especially for the people you are

speaking with.

And, much more importantly,


Learn what those people want,

think, feel about the potential

candidates and issues.  Respect

them as fellows with whom to work

togetherr on our common project

of self-rule, democracy.  Not a place

where the loudest, most outraged,

wins to rule us all.
