Saturday, June 24, 2023

Litha muse






   Lifted from responsibility

slow fade into the Sun

and shade

Wither to go, flowing like water,

like wind a'sail

remembering bees and swift

furry beings that pepper the

wild of perfume and petals,

willowy beach along light

scattered pond endeared in

sweet smoke, sweet dreams


Penny + Peter + Gary + Liz

named faces smiling, raging,

emerging to wander, wend through

-- does it matter?

now that they vaguely remain like

tattered threads of volumes long ended.

Today may well depend on those dusty

pages, remnants rendered, dramas


Today, instead of those or

possible tomorrows, laze, enjoy,

the Sun and shade.





Find some interest, then express it.




What are the responsibilities of





Where we confine our understanding

of humanity, of rights to dignity,

liberty, equality, acceptability --

when we say "Me!" not seeing

these worlds of sections, of acceptable

exceptions to "we" -- such division

undermines us,

the underpinning, scaffolding of

every misery we create, enforce

for no sane reason.

If we would but include every

stakeholder in our reckoning,

a united approach to

our common delight.




Friday, June 16, 2023

when nothing matters




Work back from a clear

and consistent desired outcome

to find a path from here to there.




Focus on what pleases,

feels good, the pleasantries

of everyday, the shining beams

resplendent on each moment.




Politics comes and goes.

Background drama to distract

the masses.

What matters is business -- whatever

is necessary for the masters to profit,

to own and control the wealth of

the world.



Just another colorful character

in the vast parade




How dare such outsiders callously

intrude on our personal lives.

They would not stand for such

abrogation from us.




It's not the people in your life

who did this to you.  It was people

who know what they did and neither

know or care about you.

They were not motivated by malice,

but by greed, the worship of profit

above all.




Can't read/watch all this escalating

rhetoric all day long without losing it,

exploding?  Stop!  Just stop.  Go out,

enjoy the day, have some harmless fun.




Trauma, ghostly twin in birth

underlaid through blood over ages

The mother may be unaware of

this painful legacy

her child can not escape




realize we all have tribulations and

issues; no one here gets out alive or

unscathed, so do what works to keep

you sane within the chaos





lonely? feeling inadequate, outside?

have you tried reaching out to the lonely,

imperfect, yearning souls all around?

 have you found a way to say:     

"I'm another.  We ought to get together

and have some fun!"





we can always look to our own

shared imaginations of the world

we yearn for to decipher a route for

the path from here to there

Too much pain

Nothing left to gain

No blame

May as well get out

and dance in the rain





Sunday, June 4, 2023

promote progress




Everyone says we need to

have serious conversations

about this issues.

Where are these conversations?

Who is promoting them?




You say the rights of the potential

child need to be weighed against

the rights of the potential mother.

But the right of the child is to be

born into a world that wants it,

a mother that is happy and ready

to care for it, to provide the love

and care and resources it needs.




there are people who actually believe and

act on the belief in human dignity and respect

unfortunately, there are people who believe in

what advantages them, while seeing a huge

advantage in trickster-like creating divisive antagonisms

it's not about the marginalized groups but about

the marginalizers who are happy to marginalize

and harm any of us




Promote Progress (not Perfection)




What do I want?

Occurrences that move me

toward feeling good.




At this age what matters is

home and family, to feel wrapped

in that cozy blanket of simple love.





Within Eternity



Do what gets you through.


