Friday, April 29, 2022

dark moon sights


People enjoying organized hate
because they’ve too little of
meaning to do
Why do we deny our need for
meaningful activity?
So ready to destroy ourselves
over frivolities, to suborn tragedies
for bored amusement, so confused
about who we want to be.
Stop panicking
Detach from screaming media
propaganda on all sides.
Become clear and calm.
Start from first principles.
What is you true goal?
Imagine it in great detail.
See it.  Feel it.  Smell it.
Embrace and engage with
being there, having it all
right here.
Then, back up.  See all the
surrounding circumstance.
See the steps from here to there,
in ever greater detail.  Learn your course.  Then look,
to find the others, those with goals
close enough or tangential to
your own.  Meet and speak and
discover how to work together
to get where we want to be,
appreciating all we are and do
to become our community.
Do you think “government” is an
evil monolith?  Government is a concept
which in practice is wildly varied, even
in the same place in different areas,
times and issues.  Humans invent and
run our governments.  They are not
imposed from on high.
You who are applauding, supporting
autocratic rule, how do you possibly
think that could work out well for you?
Look at people’s lives as we have so
recently under the evil “Communist”
tyrannies we have raged against.
Not just poverty and oppression, but
the endless hopelessness, crushing
without escape, hardening, deadening
so that constant threat no longer
Is engorging hate of strangers of
whom you’ve no actual knowledge so
addictive that to joust at them is worth
any price?  Meanness worth any hellish
If we show force in self-defense,
Oh, they might use that as excuse to
harm – do you believe if they decide to
strike us down they would desist
because we backed down in fear
and obeisance?
Everybody is a whole lot of different
bodies with a whole lot of differences.
Science is not synonymous with reality.
Science is what mankind has thus far been
able to discern within that infinite landscape.
calm down; think more effectively --
you're not "awake" you're panicking
instead of finding your power. The government
is what WE make it when we stop panicking
 and start organizing calmly for our common good.
the party that invented cancel culture as a thing
to inveigh against is also the party doing most
of the canceling -- banning books, banning speech,
banning rights, banning easy voting and
representation for "minorities", banning
any/everything they don't control -- like their mentor, Putin


Friday, April 22, 2022

remember our heritage


Digital participation in local government,
especially when local newspapers are no
longer keeping folks in touch with meetings
and such, can be a useful tool for greater
participation, better self-rule.
All the horrible conditions, dreadful happenings
anywhere, everywhere, even hyperboles
and terrorized imaginings set upon us
via our ubiquitous media, hallmark of this
modern day.  To approach knowing who
we are, how we choose to invest or squander
our days, we need to break, to find each
our own voice and its best expression, each
our intersections with what is real.
This side of that social netting veil.
All politicians, all governments, all bosses,
all men, all Jews, all cops, all people of power
-- if they are all the same, all evil, no way
around their control and abuse, then all we
can do is complain into hatred, share
camaraderie of futile outrage – no blame
for inaction because THEY are all the same,
all evil.
Mask as veil metaphor of division.
Tribute to differing experience, vast
spectrum of concerns reduced to
politics of the extreme based on celebrating
hatred, not finding common means and ends.
Such a tragic life, unforced travesty.
Stop!  Think!  Feel!  What are you wasting,
denying yourself in your little time, little energy?
We get this precious opportunity to make our
story – take perspective and watch what you
choose to say.
Women, especially good-looking women, but
apparently any human with a vaginal hole,
born to burn
scapegoat, sacrifice
eternal servant yet sacred womb.
Human cruelty ubiquitously inflicted.
Atavistic need to eat, to amalgamate,
to become ever more.  Or less.
let's be honest:  life is not easy anywhere
for people who have to leave their homes
and everything they know, travel over difficult
terrain filled with dangers to a foreign place
where there are many who hate you
just because you are not them
don't know that clear bs is clear bs? 
time to take a break from media
and learn how to think clearly
I invest in a nonbinary view -- there are
always more than two sides to any story;
and looking for the nonobvious opens perspectives.
people without lives of their own
revel in the sins of celebrities
is it only a battle if we insist on a
war metaphor?  Can it, as many say,
be a journey or an education  or a ride
or an assemblage of experience? 
Instead of seeing a dichotomy of good/bad,
maybe it is stumbling and flying?
people have gotten so mean
how do we reverse this?
no, really think about it:  you are POTUS
with only those powers and all of the drilling
opposition -- What (exactly and how) would
you do?  How can you make that more likely?
It always depends on your definition of “good”

Friday, April 15, 2022

Avril Ides

Personal animus has too often become
the basis of “truth”.
By now we could have solved the suffering
of unnecessary pain
By now we could have applied the physics,
biology, chemistry to take back our human
threat to our planet home
By now we could learn to manage what
we have and can make so every one
of us lives in peace assured by
understanding interdependence
within which we all can work secure
in access to all we need to succeed
as a people, by now.
It’s not about Truth – it’s all about
Who interprets for you?
I’m not looking for problems.
I’m looking for solutions to clean
up the mess we’ve gotten ourselves
into in the complaint oriented society.


Friday, April 8, 2022

April raindrops


Nature is cruel enough.
What humans do to ourselves
and each other – what’s the point?
Compassion or some quest for wisdom?
Random moving through space, through time,
through sufferings so we know we’re here?
One puzzling issue:
People who do evil seem to think so much
better of themselves than those who strive
to do good.
So much ultimate beauty
Yes, those surprise sunrise glories,
chilling heart crying stories, songs that
won’t stop singing through every step
of your day that makes those days less
onerous to carry through.
Who we are in silent spaces of our own
self-pondering, wandering in wonder.
