Sunday, May 27, 2018

tribal (in progress)

granfalloon is "a false karass, [...] a seeming team that [is] meaningless in terms of the ways God gets things done." Examples of granfalloons are "the Communist party, the Daughters of the American Revolution, the General Electric Company, the International Order of Odd Fellows -- and any nation, anytime, anywhere." [ 42 ]
Naturally, we seek our tribes
People who get us
Those we feel comfortably at home among
In this mobile time, tribes no longer defined
by place, ancestry, designated race, shape or size
more self-assembled based on
shared lies we agree to,
share as our credo.
Entranced with power ideologies,
sad sects, splinters from the Mother tribe,
shun kin traditions
Simple stories
Me, You, We, Family
(words like hate and glory come later
-- but why?)
Is humanity evolving?  dying?
Nation-states, regimes, wars of opportunity
Genocide (not just cruelty – more for me
when less of you)
Denoted You – someone not us
But so many ways to do that:
How many need be deleted for Our happiness?

Where make that cut?

here in our haven
looking out to the chaos beyond our door
mean foreign eyes, so we surmise, ready to
pounce, destroy what we have saved for, worked for,
yearned for, made monstrous sacrifice to defend
they can't understand what it's like, just want to steal
our lives are not real
to them


It’s not tribal – it’s brainwashed in propaganda from
elites with an agenda to control.
Real tribes arise naturally
constellations of family, close community based on
familiarity, commonalities called roles, relationships,
dance rhythms of daily life.

Monday, May 7, 2018

cross quarter thots

race is a myth I don’t believe in
racists, religious zealots, do.
Give up on partisan politics
The Parties are not about us but only
their own agenda.
Support people, regardless of
party affiliation,
who prove they will effectively
work for you.
Probably for reasons of childhood training, people have this idea of what they deserve.
It’s all about dessert, right?  The reward for playing by what you believe are the rules.
But you don’t always get your dessert – and sometimes precious little dinner.
And, look, people getting your dessert that they don’t deserve.
show us how we're all the same
we all get blamed
we all feel shame

and a need to block the pain